diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fbbf5c2e8c57ddefc73b3396ef5d02157c9e2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
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+# Changelog
+All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
+## [unreleased]
+### Added
+- LDAP authentication
+- External OAuth provider authentication
+- A [job queue](https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma_job_queue) for federation, emails, web push, etc.
+- [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) metrics
+- Support for Mastodon's remote interaction
+- Federation: Support for reports
+- Configuration: `safe_dm_mentions` option
+- Configuration: `link_name` option
+- Configuration: `fetch_initial_posts` option
+- Pleroma API: User subscribtions
+- Admin API: Endpoints for listing/revoking invite tokens
+- Admin API: Endpoints for making users follow/unfollow each other
+- Mastodon API: [Scheduled statuses](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/api/rest/scheduled-statuses/)
+- Mastodon API: `/api/v1/notifications/destroy_multiple` (glitch-soc extension)
+- Mastodon API: [Reports](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/api/rest/reports/)
+- ActivityPub C2S: OAuth endpoints
+### Changed
+- Enforcement of OAuth scopes
+- Add multiple use/time expiring invite token
+- Restyled OAuth pages to fit with Pleroma's default theme
+- Link/mention/hashtag detection is now handled by [auto_linker](https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/auto_linker)
+- NodeInfo: Return `safe_dm_mentions` feature flag
+- Federation: Expand the audience of delete activities to all recipients of the deleted object
+- Configuration: Dedupe enabled by default
+- Configuration: move from Pleroma.Mailer to Pleroma.Emails.Mailer
+- Pleroma API: Support for emoji tags in `/api/pleroma/emoji` resulting in a breaking API change
+- Mastodon API: Support for `exclude_types`, `limit` and `min_id` in `/api/v1/notifications`
+- Mastodon API: Add `languages` and `registrations` to `/api/v1/instance`
+- Mastodon API: Provide plaintext versions of cw/content in the Status entity
+- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.conversation_id` field to the Status entity
+- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.tags`, `pleroma.relationship{}`, `pleroma.is_moderator`, `pleroma.is_admin`, `pleroma.confirmation_pending` fields to the User entity
+- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.is_seen` to the Notification entity
+- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.local` to the Status entity
+- Mastodon API: Add `preview` parameter to `POST /api/v1/statuses`
+- Mastodon API: Add `with_muted` parameter to timeline endpoints
+- Mastodon API: Actual reblog hiding instead of a dummy
+- Mastodon API: Remove attachment limit in the Status entity
+- Deps: Updated Cowboy to 2.6
+- Deps: Updated Ecto to 3.0.7
+### Fixed
+- Followers counter not being updated when a follower is blocked
+- Deactivated users being able to request an access token
+- Limit on request body in rich media/relme parsers being ignored resulting in a possible memory leak
+- proper Twitter Card generation instead of a dummy
+- NodeInfo: Include admins in `staffAccounts`
+- ActivityPub: Crashing when requesting empty local user's outbox
+- Federation: Handling of objects without `summary` property
+- Federation: Add a language tag to activities as required by ActivityStreams 2.0
+- Federation: Do not federate avatar/banner if set to default allowing other servers/clients to use their defaults
+- Federation: Cope with missing or explicitly nulled address lists
+- Federation: Explicitly ensure activities addressed to `as:Public` become addressed to the followers collection
+- Federation: Better cope with actors which do not declare a followers collection and use `as:Public` with these semantics
+- MediaProxy: Parse name from content disposition headers even for non-whitelisted types
+- MediaProxy: S3 link encoding
+- Rich Media: Reject any data which cannot be explicitly encoded into JSON
+- Mastodon API: `/api/v1/favourites` serving only public activities
+- Mastodon API: Reblogs having `in_reply_to_id` - `null` even when they are replies
+- Mastodon API: Streaming API broadcasting wrong activity id
+- Mastodon API: 500 errors when requesting a card for a private conversation
+## [0.9.9999] - 2019-04-05
+### Security
+- Various fixes
+## [0.9.999] - 2019-03-13
+Frontend changes only.
+### Added
+- Added floating action button for posting status on mobile
+### Changed
+- Changed user-settings icon to a pencil
+### Fixed
+- Keyboard shortcuts activating when typing a message
+- Gaps when scrolling down on a timeline after showing new
+## [0.9.99] - 2019-03-08
+### Changed
+- Update the frontend to the 0.9.99 tag
+### Fixed
+- Sign the date header in federation to fix Mastodon federation.
+## [0.9.9] - 2019-02-22
+This is our first stable release.
diff --git a/Changelog.md b/Changelog.md
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index 1fddf41cdf68b09ef7410cd23bed597b2160c0f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Changelog.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Changelog
-All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
-The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/).
-## [unreleased]
-### Changed
-- Configuration: move from Pleroma.Mailer to Pleroma.Emails.Mailer
diff --git a/mix.exs b/mix.exs
index 26a03b70bfa7683d637905bfc88650899a199a8d..2a14781f76b2cc6b8fc33964af152476d9accf6b 100644
--- a/mix.exs
+++ b/mix.exs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Mixfile do
       homepage_url: "https://pleroma.social/",
       docs: [
         logo: "priv/static/static/logo.png",
-        extras: ["README.md" | Path.wildcard("docs/**/*.md")],
+        extras: ["README.md", "CHANGELOG.md"] ++ Path.wildcard("docs/**/*.md"),
         groups_for_extras: [
           "Installation manuals": Path.wildcard("docs/installation/*.md"),
           Configuration: Path.wildcard("docs/config/*.md"),