From 8226a3c9227ac7f5c0dc81c97c0b18e9d0c2c1df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Angelina Filippova <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 16:59:53 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Render MediaProxy settings using description data from API

 src/views/settings/components/MediaProxy.vue | 117 ++-----------------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/views/settings/components/MediaProxy.vue b/src/views/settings/components/MediaProxy.vue
index e2b7c69a..64834c6e 100644
--- a/src/views/settings/components/MediaProxy.vue
+++ b/src/views/settings/components/MediaProxy.vue
@@ -1,73 +1,6 @@
-  <el-form v-if="!loading" ref="mediaProxy" :model="mediaProxy" :label-width="labelWidth">
-    <el-form-item label="Enabled">
-      <el-switch :value="mediaProxy.enabled" @change="updateSetting($event, 'media_proxy', 'enabled')"/>
-      <p class="expl">Enables proxying of remote media to the instance’s proxy</p>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <el-form-item label="Base URL">
-      <el-input :value="mediaProxy.base_url" @input="updateSetting($event, 'media_proxy', 'base_url')"/>
-      <p class="expl">The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host/CDN fronts.</p>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <div class="line"/>
-    <el-form-item label="Proxy options:"/>
-    <el-form-item label="Redirect on failure">
-      <el-switch :value="mediaProxy.proxy_opts.redirect_on_failure" @change="processNestedData($event, 'media_proxy', 'proxy_opts', 'redirect_on_failure')"/>
-      <p class="expl">Redirects the client to the real remote URL if there's any HTTP errors. Any error during body processing will not be redirected as the response is chunked</p>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <el-form-item label="Max body length (MB)">
-      <el-input-number :value="mediaProxy.proxy_opts.max_body_length / 1048576" :step="1" :min="0" size="large" @change="processNestedData($event * 1048576, 'media_proxy', 'proxy_opts', 'max_body_length')"/>
-      <p class="expl">Limits the content length to be approximately the specified length</p>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <el-form-item label="Max read duration (s)">
-      <el-input-number :value="mediaProxy.proxy_opts.max_read_duration" :step="1" :min="0" size="large" @change="processNestedData($event, 'media_proxy', 'proxy_opts', 'max_read_duration')"/>
-      <p class="expl">The total time the connection is allowed to read from the remote upstream</p>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <el-form-item label="Inline content types">
-      <el-select :value="inlineContentTypes" clearable @change="processNestedData($event, 'media_proxy', 'proxy_opts', 'inline_content_types')">
-        <el-option :value="true" label="True"/>
-        <el-option :value="false" label="False"/>
-        <el-option value="whitelistedTypeArray" label="List of whitelisted content types"/>
-        <el-option value="keepUserAgent" label="Forward client's user-agent to the upstream"/>
-      </el-select>
-      <p v-if="inlineContentTypes === true" class="expl">Will not alter <span class="code">content-disposition</span> (up to the upstream)</p>
-      <p v-if="!inlineContentTypes" class="expl">Will add <span class="code">content-disposition: attachment</span> to any request</p>
-      <p v-if="inlineContentTypes === 'keepUserAgent'" class="expl">
-        Will forward the client's user-agent to the upstream. This may be useful if the upstream is
-        doing content transformation (encoding, …) depending on the request.
-      </p>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <el-form-item v-if="inlineContentTypes === 'whitelistedTypeArray'" label="Whitelisted content types">
-      <el-select :value="whitelistedContentTypes" multiple filterable allow-create @change="processNestedData($event, 'media_proxy', 'proxy_opts', 'inline_content_types')">
-        <el-option
-          v-for="item in whitelistedContentTypesOptions"
-          :label="item.label"
-          :key="item.value"
-          :value="item.value"/>
-      </el-select>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <el-form-item label="Request headers">
-      <el-select :value="mediaProxy.proxy_opts.req_headers || []" multiple filterable allow-create @change="processNestedData($event, 'media_proxy', 'proxy_opts', 'req_headers')"/>
-      <p class="expl"><span class="code">resp_headers</span> additional headers</p>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <el-form-item label="HTTP:"/>
-    <el-form-item label="Follow redirect">
-      <el-switch :value="http.follow_redirect" @change="processHttpSettings($event, 'media_proxy', 'proxy_opts', 'http', 'follow_redirect')"/>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <el-form-item label="Pool">
-      <el-select :value="http.pool" clearable @change="processHttpSettings($event, 'media_proxy', 'proxy_opts', 'http', 'pool')">
-        <el-option
-          v-for="item in hackneyPoolsOptions"
-          :label="item.label"
-          :key="item.value"
-          :value="item.value"/>
-      </el-select>
-      <p class="expl">{{ getPoolExpl(http.pool) }}</p>
-    </el-form-item>
-    <div class="line"/>
-    <el-form-item label="Whitelist">
-      <el-select :value="mediaProxy.whitelist || []" multiple filterable allow-create @change="updateSetting($event, 'media_proxy', 'whitelist')"/>
-      <p class="expl">List of domains to bypass the mediaproxy</p>
-    </el-form-item>
+  <el-form v-if="!loading" ref="mediaProxy" :model="mediaProxyData" :label-width="labelWidth">
+    <setting :setting-group="mediaProxy" :data="mediaProxyData"/>
       <el-button type="primary" @click="onSubmit">Submit</el-button>
@@ -77,32 +10,15 @@
 import i18n from '@/lang'
 import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
-import { options } from './options'
+import Setting from './Setting'
 export default {
   name: 'MediaProxy',
+  components: { Setting },
   computed: {
-      'mediaProxy'
+      'settings'
-    inlineContentTypes() {
-      return Array.isArray(this.mediaProxy.proxy_opts.inline_content_types) ? 'whitelistedTypeArray' : this.mediaProxy.proxy_opts.inline_content_types
-    },
-    http() {
-      return this.mediaProxy.proxy_opts.http || {}
-    },
-    reqHeadersOptions() {
-      return this.mediaProxySettings.reqHeadersOptions
-    },
-    hackneyPoolsOptions() {
-      return options.hackneyPoolsOptions
-    },
-    whitelistedContentTypes() {
-      return Array.isArray(this.mediaProxy.proxy_opts.inline_content_types) ? this.mediaProxy.proxy_opts.inline_content_types : []
-    },
-    whitelistedContentTypesOptions() {
-      return options.whitelistedContentTypesOptions
-    },
     isMobile() {
       return this.$ === 'mobile'
@@ -110,25 +26,16 @@ export default {
       return this.isMobile ? '100px' : '240px'
     loading() {
-      return this.$store.state.settings.loading
+      return this.settings.loading
+    },
+    mediaProxy() {
+      return this.settings.description.find(setting => setting.key === ':media_proxy')
+    },
+    mediaProxyData() {
+      return this.settings.settings[':media_proxy']
   methods: {
-    getPoolExpl(value) {
-      const pool = this.hackneyPoolsOptions.find(el => el.value === value)
-      return pool ? 'Max connections: ' + pool.max_connections + ', timeout: ' + pool.timeout : ''
-    },
-    processHttpSettings(value, tab, section, httpSection, input) {
-      const updatedValue = { ...this.mediaProxy[section][httpSection], ...{ [input]: value }}
-      this.processNestedData(updatedValue, tab, section, httpSection)
-    },
-    processNestedData(value, tab, section, input) {
-      const updatedValue = { ...this.$store.state.settings.settings[tab][section], ...{ [input]: value }}
-      this.updateSetting(updatedValue, tab, section)
-    },
-    updateSetting(value, tab, input) {
-      this.$store.dispatch('UpdateSettings', { tab, data: { [input]: value }})
-    },
     async onSubmit() {
       try {
         await this.$store.dispatch('SubmitChanges')