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  • HJ's avatar
    Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into emoji-selector-update · a3305799
    HJ authored
    * upstream/develop: (42 commits)
      Fix formatting in oc.json
      avoid using global class
      fix logo moving bug when lightbox is open
      Reserve scrollbar gap when body scroll is locked
      setting display: initial makes trouble, instead, toggle display: none using classname
      lock body scroll
      add body-scroll-lock directive
      install body-scroll-lock
      wire up props with PostStatusModal
      rename component
      recover autofocusing behavior
      refactor MobilePostStatusModal using new PostStatusModal
      add new module and modal to post new status
      remove needless condition
      add mention button
      wire up user state with global store
      collapse fav/repeat notifications from muted users
      do not collapse thread muted posts in conversation
      detect thread-muted posts
      do not change word based muting logic