Remote Follow Fails
When trying to remote follow a user and filling in the remote follow form, my instance returns an error page
The url used is along the lines of:
(where <> encapsulated word are replaced with real world values).
I've googled around and this appeared to be an issue years ago that was apparently fixed. I still have this problem wiht a brand new install from stable sources on 9th November 2022.
Is there anything I need to do in the configuration to fix this or has the 'bug' reappeared.
My instance is behind nginx with ssl
Found this in the log
` Nov 09 11:14:43 toot mix[1615]: 11:14:43.332 [info] GET /ostatus_subscribe
Nov 09 11:14:43 toot mix[1615]: 11:14:43.392 request_id=FyXmU4El9WYaWJMAByBD [error] Could not decode user at fetch, {:ok, %Tesla.Env{client: %Tesla.Client{adapter: {Tesla.Adapter.Hackney, :call, [[]]}, fun: nil, post: [], pre: []}, module: Tesla, body: "error code: 1010", headers: [{"date", > `