Report contains a nil object, AdminAPI gives a 500 error
GET /api/pleroma/admin/reports
is returning a 500 error with this in the logs:
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: Server: (http)
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: Request: GET /api/pleroma/admin/reports
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: ** (exit) an exception was raised:
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in anonymous fn/1 in Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.Report.extract_report_info/1
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: (pleroma 2.2.50-595-g562ecf28-spinster) lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/report.ex:16: anonymous fn(nil) in Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.Report.extract_report_info/1
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: (elixir 1.10.4) lib/enum.ex:1396: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: (pleroma 2.2.50-595-g562ecf28-spinster) lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/report.ex:16: Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.Report.extract_report_info/1
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: (elixir 1.10.4) lib/enum.ex:1396: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: (elixir 1.10.4) lib/enum.ex:1396: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: (pleroma 2.2.50-595-g562ecf28-spinster) lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/views/report_view.ex:21: Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.ReportView.render/2
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: (phoenix 1.5.6) lib/phoenix/view.ex:472: Phoenix.View.render_to_iodata/3
Mar 05 21:22:33 spinster mix[1435463]: (phoenix 1.5.6) lib/phoenix/controller.ex:776: Phoenix.Controller.render_and_send/4
The offending code is here:
statuses =, fn
act when is_map(act) -> Activity.get_by_ap_id_with_object(act["id"])
act when is_binary(act) -> Activity.get_by_ap_id_with_object(act)
It's trying parse the status IDs from the Flag activity, but one of them is nil, so there's no match.
I found the offending report in the database and it looks like this:
"cc": [],
"id": "******",
"to": [],
"type": "Flag",
"actor": "******",
"state": "closed",
"object": [
"content": "",
"context": "******",
"published": "2021-03-05T00:00:00",
"context_id": 123456
As you can see, the "object" field contains a null value... how? I don't really know. I guess we should prevent this from happening in the first place if we can, but we should also handle the circumstance where a null value is in there.
Edited by Alex Gleason