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Allow emails to be sent again, #2101 #2172

Alex Gleason requested to merge alexgleason/pleroma:email-fix into stable

Builds off !2951 (merged) to add a temporary fix for email, too.

Currently no emails can be sent without this, as Swoosh is dependent on Hackney, which was downgraded as a temporary solution to #2101 (closed). Requesting merge into stable branch.

Further context:

I confirmed on my own server that emails can be sent after this:

➜  pleroma git:(stable) ✗ mix test

20:19:31.583 [debug] QUERY OK source="config" db=35.1ms decode=4.7ms queue=60.4ms idle=0.0ms
SELECT c0."id", c0."key", c0."group", c0."value", c0."inserted_at", c0."updated_at" FROM "config" AS c0 []

20:19:31.599 [warn]  web_push_encryption is not started.

20:19:31.599 [warn]  ex_aws is not started.

20:19:31.599 [warn]  joken is not started.
Test email has been sent to [{"", ""}] from {"Gleasonator", ""}


Edited by Alex Gleason

Merge request reports