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Add automatic documentation build and deploy for master and develop branches

rinpatch requested to merge feature/deploy-docs into develop

Actions required on @lambadalambda 's part before this can be merged:

  1. Install rsync on the target server
  2. Create a new CI user on the target server and get an ed25519 ssh key for it (ssh-keygen -t ed25519)
  3. Copy the private key and paste it to CI/CD environment variables with SSH_PRIVATE_KEY as a key, mark it protected
  4. Copy the entry for the server from known_hosts and paste it to CI/CD environment variables with SSH_HOST_KEY as a key, mark it protected
  5. Create a static directory and give the CI user write permissions to it
  6. Enter the rsync destination string (e.g to CI/CD environment variables with SSH_USER_HOST_LOCATION as a key, mark it protected
  7. Set up a static server to serve content from $static_dir/master on and content from $static_dir/develop on (or whatever you would like to call it)
  8. If you have a non-standart ssh post enter it in CI/CD environment variables with SSH_PORT as a key, mark it protected

closes #478 (closed)

Edited by rinpatch

Merge request reports