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  • Alex Vondrak's avatar
    mix deps.update ex_doc · f47a9d59
    Alex Vondrak authored
    Under Elixir 1.7.4 on my machine (which was just the version I had
    installed for whatever reason), I couldn't run `mix hex.publish` because
    I'd get the error
      ** (RuntimeError) module RemoteIp.Headers.Forwarded was not compiled with flag --docs
          (ex_doc) lib/ex_doc/retriever.ex:147: ExDoc.Retriever.export_docs?/1
          (ex_doc) lib/ex_doc/retriever.ex:131: ExDoc.Retriever.get_module/2
          (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1314: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2
          (ex_doc) lib/ex_doc/retriever.ex:111: ExDoc.Retriever.docs_from_modules/2
          (ex_doc) lib/ex_doc.ex:71: ExDoc.generate_docs/3
          (ex_doc) lib/mix/tasks/docs.ex:117:
          (mix) lib/mix/task.ex:316: Mix.Task.run_task/3
          (hex) lib/mix/tasks/hex.publish.ex:170: Mix.Tasks.Hex.Publish.docs_task/2
    Apparently this was being caused by an old version of ex_doc, per Updating ex_doc let
    me publish v0.1.5 without any further issue.