
To translate Pleroma-FE, use our weblate server: If you need to add your language it should be added as a json file in [src/i18n/]( folder and added in a list within [src/i18n/languages.js](
Pleroma-FE will set your language by your browser locale, but you can change language in settings.
# For instance admins
You don't need to build Pleroma-FE yourself. Those using the Pleroma backend will be able to use it out of the box. Information of customizing PleromaFE settings/defaults is in our [guide]( and in case you want to build your own custom version there's [another](
# For Contributors:
You can create file `/config/local.json` (see [example]( to enable some convenience dev options:
* `target`: makes local dev server redirect to some existing instance's BE instead of local BE, useful for testing things in near-production environment and searching for real-life use-cases.
* `staticConfigPreference`: makes FE's `/static/config.json` take preference of BE-served `/api/statusnet/config.json`. Only works in dev mode.
FE Build process also leaves current commit hash in global variable `___pleromafe_commit_hash` so that you can easily see which pleroma-fe commit instance is running, also helps pinpointing which commit was used when FE was bundled into BE.
Set configuration settings in AdminFE, additionally you can edit config.json. For more details see [documentation](