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Commit 4d3246a0 authored by Maxim Filippov's avatar Maxim Filippov :new_moon_with_face:
Browse files

Merge branch 'chore/kill-tinymce' into 'master'

Kill tinymce

Closes #47

See merge request !60
parents 9b9f7369 850d2b46
No related branches found
No related tags found
1 merge request!60Kill tinymce
Pipeline #19416 passed
with 0 additions and 703 deletions
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
<title>Admin FE</title>
<script src=<%= BASE_URL %>/tinymce4.7.5/tinymce.min.js></script>
<div id="app"></div>
<!-- built files will be auto injected -->
<div class="upload-container">
<el-button :style="{background:color,borderColor:color}" icon="el-icon-upload" size="mini" type="primary" @click=" dialogVisible=true">上传图片
<el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogVisible">
<el-button size="small" type="primary">点击上传</el-button>
<el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">取 消</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="handleSubmit">确 定</el-button>
// import { getToken } from 'api/qiniu'
export default {
name: 'EditorSlideUpload',
props: {
color: {
type: String,
default: '#1890ff'
data: function() {
return {
dialogVisible: false,
listObj: {},
fileList: []
methods: {
checkAllSuccess() {
return Object.keys(this.listObj).every(item => this.listObj[item].hasSuccess)
handleSubmit() {
const arr = Object.keys(this.listObj).map(v => this.listObj[v])
if (!this.checkAllSuccess()) {
this.$message('请等待所有图片上传成功 或 出现了网络问题,请刷新页面重新上传!')
this.$emit('successCBK', arr)
this.listObj = {}
this.fileList = []
this.dialogVisible = false
handleSuccess(response, file) {
const uid = file.uid
const objKeyArr = Object.keys(this.listObj)
for (let i = 0, len = objKeyArr.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]].uid === uid) {
this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]].url = response.files.file
this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]].hasSuccess = true
handleRemove(file) {
const uid = file.uid
const objKeyArr = Object.keys(this.listObj)
for (let i = 0, len = objKeyArr.length; i < len; i++) {
if (this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]].uid === uid) {
delete this.listObj[objKeyArr[i]]
beforeUpload(file) {
const _self = this
const _URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL
const fileName = file.uid
this.listObj[fileName] = {}
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const img = new Image()
img.src = _URL.createObjectURL(file)
img.onload = function() {
_self.listObj[fileName] = { hasSuccess: false, uid: file.uid, width: this.width, height: this.height }
<style rel="stylesheet/scss" lang="scss" scoped>
.editor-slide-upload {
margin-bottom: 20px;
/deep/ .el-upload--picture-card {
width: 100%;
<div :class="{fullscreen:fullscreen}" class="tinymce-container editor-container">
<textarea :id="tinymceId" class="tinymce-textarea"/>
<div class="editor-custom-btn-container">
<editorImage color="#1890ff" class="editor-upload-btn" @successCBK="imageSuccessCBK"/>
import editorImage from './components/editorImage'
import plugins from './plugins'
import toolbar from './toolbar'
export default {
name: 'Tinymce',
components: { editorImage },
props: {
id: {
type: String,
default: function() {
return 'vue-tinymce-' + +new Date() + ((Math.random() * 1000).toFixed(0) + '')
value: {
type: String,
default: ''
toolbar: {
type: Array,
required: false,
default() {
return []
menubar: {
type: String,
default: 'file edit insert view format table'
height: {
type: Number,
required: false,
default: 360
data: function() {
return {
hasChange: false,
hasInit: false,
fullscreen: false,
languageTypeList: {
'en': 'en',
'zh': 'zh_CN'
computed: {
language() {
return this.languageTypeList[this.$store.getters.language]
watch: {
value(val) {
if (!this.hasChange && this.hasInit) {
this.$nextTick(() =>
window.tinymce.get(this.tinymceId).setContent(val || ''))
language() {
this.$nextTick(() => this.initTinymce())
mounted() {
activated() {
deactivated() {
destroyed() {
methods: {
initTinymce() {
const _this = this
language: this.language,
selector: `#${this.tinymceId}`,
height: this.height,
body_class: 'panel-body ',
object_resizing: false,
toolbar: this.toolbar.length > 0 ? this.toolbar : toolbar,
menubar: this.menubar,
plugins: plugins,
end_container_on_empty_block: true,
powerpaste_word_import: 'clean',
code_dialog_height: 450,
code_dialog_width: 1000,
advlist_bullet_styles: 'square',
advlist_number_styles: 'default',
imagetools_cors_hosts: ['', ''],
default_link_target: '_blank',
link_title: false,
nonbreaking_force_tab: true, // inserting nonbreaking space &nbsp; need Nonbreaking Space Plugin
init_instance_callback: editor => {
if (_this.value) {
_this.hasInit = true
editor.on('NodeChange Change KeyUp SetContent', () => {
this.hasChange = true
this.$emit('input', editor.getContent())
setup(editor) {
editor.on('FullscreenStateChanged', (e) => {
_this.fullscreen = e.state
// 整合七牛上传
// images_dataimg_filter(img) {
// setTimeout(() => {
// const $image = $(img);
// $image.removeAttr('width');
// $image.removeAttr('height');
// if ($image[0].height && $image[0].width) {
// $image.attr('data-wscntype', 'image');
// $image.attr('data-wscnh', $image[0].height);
// $image.attr('data-wscnw', $image[0].width);
// $image.addClass('wscnph');
// }
// }, 0);
// return img
// },
// images_upload_handler(blobInfo, success, failure, progress) {
// progress(0);
// const token = _this.$store.getters.token;
// getToken(token).then(response => {
// const url =;
// const formData = new FormData();
// formData.append('token',;
// formData.append('key',;
// formData.append('file', blobInfo.blob(), url);
// upload(formData).then(() => {
// success(url);
// progress(100);
// })
// }).catch(err => {
// failure('出现未知问题,刷新页面,或者联系程序员')
// console.log(err);
// });
// },
destroyTinymce() {
const tinymce = window.tinymce.get(this.tinymceId)
if (this.fullscreen) {
if (tinymce) {
setContent(value) {
getContent() {
imageSuccessCBK(arr) {
const _this = this
arr.forEach(v => {
window.tinymce.get(_this.tinymceId).insertContent(`<img class="wscnph" src="${v.url}" >`)
<style scoped>
.tinymce-container {
position: relative;
line-height: normal;
.tinymce-container>>>.mce-fullscreen {
z-index: 10000;
.tinymce-textarea {
visibility: hidden;
z-index: -1;
.editor-custom-btn-container {
position: absolute;
right: 4px;
top: 4px;
/*z-index: 2005;*/
.fullscreen .editor-custom-btn-container {
z-index: 10000;
position: fixed;
.editor-upload-btn {
display: inline-block;
// Any plugins you want to use has to be imported
// Detail plugins list see
// Custom builds see
const plugins = ['advlist anchor autolink autosave code codesample colorpicker colorpicker contextmenu directionality emoticons fullscreen hr image imagetools insertdatetime link lists media nonbreaking noneditable pagebreak paste preview print save searchreplace spellchecker tabfocus table template textcolor textpattern visualblocks visualchars wordcount']
export default plugins
// Here is a list of the toolbar
// Detail list see
const toolbar = ['searchreplace bold italic underline strikethrough alignleft aligncenter alignright outdent indent blockquote undo redo removeformat subscript superscript code codesample', 'hr bullist numlist link image charmap preview anchor pagebreak insertdatetime media table emoticons forecolor backcolor fullscreen']
export default toolbar
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ export default {
icons: 'Icons',
components: 'Components',
componentIndex: 'Introduction',
tinymce: 'Tinymce',
markdown: 'Markdown',
jsonEditor: 'JSON Editor',
dndList: 'Dnd List',
......@@ -105,7 +104,6 @@ export default {
components: {
documentation: 'Documentation',
tinymceTips: 'Rich text editor is a core part of management system, but at the same time is a place with lots of problems. In the process of selecting rich texts, I also walked a lot of detours. The common rich text editors in the market are basically used, and the finally chose Tinymce. See documentation for more detailed rich text editor comparisons and introductions.',
dropzoneTips: 'Because my business has special needs, and has to upload images to qiniu, so instead of a third party, I chose encapsulate it by myself. It is very simple, you can see the detail code in @/components/Dropzone.',
stickyTips: 'when the page is scrolled to the preset position will be sticky on the top.',
backToTopTips1: 'When the page is scrolled to the specified position, the Back to Top button appears in the lower right corner',
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ export default {
icons: 'Iconos',
components: 'Componentes',
componentIndex: 'Introducción',
tinymce: 'Tinymce',
markdown: 'Markdown',
jsonEditor: 'Editor JSON',
dndList: 'Lista Dnd',
......@@ -96,7 +95,6 @@ export default {
components: {
documentation: 'Documentación',
tinymceTips: 'Rich text editor is a core part of management system, but at the same time is a place with lots of problems. In the process of selecting rich texts, I also walked a lot of detours. The common rich text editors in the market are basically used, and the finally chose Tinymce. See documentation for more detailed rich text editor comparisons and introductions.',
dropzoneTips: 'Because my business has special needs, and has to upload images to qiniu, so instead of a third party, I chose encapsulate it by myself. It is very simple, you can see the detail code in @/components/Dropzone.',
stickyTips: 'when the page is scrolled to the preset position will be sticky on the top.',
backToTopTips1: 'When the page is scrolled to the specified position, the Back to Top button appears in the lower right corner',
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ export default {
icons: 'Icònas',
components: 'Compausants',
componentIndex: 'Introduccion',
tinymce: 'Tinymce',
markdown: 'Markdown',
jsonEditor: 'JSON Editor',
dndList: 'Dnd List',
......@@ -97,7 +96,6 @@ export default {
components: {
documentation: 'Documentacion',
tinymceTips: 'Rich text editor is a core part of management system, but at the same time is a place with lots of problems. In the process of selecting rich texts, I also walked a lot of detours. The common rich text editors in the market are basically used, and the finally chose Tinymce. See documentation for more detailed rich text editor comparisons and introductions.',
dropzoneTips: 'Because my business has special needs, and has to upload images to qiniu, so instead of a third party, I chose encapsulate it by myself. It is very simple, you can see the detail code in @/components/Dropzone.',
stickyTips: 'when the page is scrolled to the preset position will be sticky on the top.',
backToTopTips1: 'When the page is scrolled to the specified position, the Back to Top button appears in the lower right corner',
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ export default {
icons: '图标',
components: '组件',
componentIndex: '介绍',
tinymce: '富文本编辑器',
markdown: 'Markdown',
jsonEditor: 'JSON编辑器',
dndList: '列表拖拽',
......@@ -96,7 +95,6 @@ export default {
components: {
documentation: '文档',
tinymceTips: '富文本是管理后台一个核心的功能,但同时又是一个有很多坑的地方。在选择富文本的过程中我也走了不少的弯路,市面上常见的富文本都基本用过了,最终权衡了一下选择了Tinymce。更详细的富文本比较和介绍见',
dropzoneTips: '由于我司业务有特殊需求,而且要传七牛 所以没用第三方,选择了自己封装。代码非常的简单,具体代码你可以在这里看到 @/components/Dropzone',
stickyTips: '当页面滚动到预设的位置会吸附在顶部',
backToTopTips1: '页面滚动到指定位置会在右下角出现返回顶部按钮',
"Cut": "\u526a\u5207",
"Heading 5": "\u6807\u98985",
"Header 2": "\u6807\u98982",
"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "\u4f60\u7684\u6d4f\u89c8\u5668\u4e0d\u652f\u6301\u5bf9\u526a\u8d34\u677f\u7684\u8bbf\u95ee\uff0c\u8bf7\u4f7f\u7528Ctrl+X\/C\/V\u952e\u8fdb\u884c\u590d\u5236\u7c98\u8d34\u3002",
"Heading 4": "\u6807\u98984",
"Div": "Div\u533a\u5757",
"Heading 2": "\u6807\u98982",
"Paste": "\u7c98\u8d34",
"Close": "\u5173\u95ed",
"Font Family": "\u5b57\u4f53",
"Pre": "\u9884\u683c\u5f0f\u6587\u672c",
"Align right": "\u53f3\u5bf9\u9f50",
"New document": "\u65b0\u6587\u6863",
"Blockquote": "\u5f15\u7528",
"Numbered list": "\u7f16\u53f7\u5217\u8868",
"Heading 1": "\u6807\u98981",
"Headings": "\u6807\u9898",
"Increase indent": "\u589e\u52a0\u7f29\u8fdb",
"Formats": "\u683c\u5f0f",
"Headers": "\u6807\u9898",
"Select all": "\u5168\u9009",
"Header 3": "\u6807\u98983",
"Blocks": "\u533a\u5757",
"Undo": "\u64a4\u6d88",
"Strikethrough": "\u5220\u9664\u7ebf",
"Bullet list": "\u9879\u76ee\u7b26\u53f7",
"Header 1": "\u6807\u98981",
"Superscript": "\u4e0a\u6807",
"Clear formatting": "\u6e05\u9664\u683c\u5f0f",
"Font Sizes": "\u5b57\u53f7",
"Subscript": "\u4e0b\u6807",
"Header 6": "\u6807\u98986",
"Redo": "\u91cd\u590d",
"Paragraph": "\u6bb5\u843d",
"Ok": "\u786e\u5b9a",
"Bold": "\u7c97\u4f53",
"Code": "\u4ee3\u7801",
"Italic": "\u659c\u4f53",
"Align center": "\u5c45\u4e2d",
"Header 5": "\u6807\u98985",
"Heading 6": "\u6807\u98986",
"Heading 3": "\u6807\u98983",
"Decrease indent": "\u51cf\u5c11\u7f29\u8fdb",
"Header 4": "\u6807\u98984",
"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "\u5f53\u524d\u4e3a\u7eaf\u6587\u672c\u7c98\u8d34\u6a21\u5f0f\uff0c\u518d\u6b21\u70b9\u51fb\u53ef\u4ee5\u56de\u5230\u666e\u901a\u7c98\u8d34\u6a21\u5f0f\u3002",
"Underline": "\u4e0b\u5212\u7ebf",
"Cancel": "\u53d6\u6d88",
"Justify": "\u4e24\u7aef\u5bf9\u9f50",
"Inline": "\u6587\u672c",
"Copy": "\u590d\u5236",
"Align left": "\u5de6\u5bf9\u9f50",
"Visual aids": "\u7f51\u683c\u7ebf",
"Lower Greek": "\u5c0f\u5199\u5e0c\u814a\u5b57\u6bcd",
"Square": "\u65b9\u5757",
"Default": "\u9ed8\u8ba4",
"Lower Alpha": "\u5c0f\u5199\u82f1\u6587\u5b57\u6bcd",
"Circle": "\u7a7a\u5fc3\u5706",
"Disc": "\u5b9e\u5fc3\u5706",
"Upper Alpha": "\u5927\u5199\u82f1\u6587\u5b57\u6bcd",
"Upper Roman": "\u5927\u5199\u7f57\u9a6c\u5b57\u6bcd",
"Lower Roman": "\u5c0f\u5199\u7f57\u9a6c\u5b57\u6bcd",
"Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.": "\u6807\u8bc6\u7b26\u5e94\u8be5\u4ee5\u5b57\u6bcd\u5f00\u5934\uff0c\u540e\u8ddf\u5b57\u6bcd\u3001\u6570\u5b57\u3001\u7834\u6298\u53f7\u3001\u70b9\u3001\u5192\u53f7\u6216\u4e0b\u5212\u7ebf\u3002",
"Name": "\u540d\u79f0",
"Anchor": "\u951a\u70b9",
"Id": "\u6807\u8bc6\u7b26",
"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "\u4f60\u8fd8\u6709\u6587\u6863\u5c1a\u672a\u4fdd\u5b58\uff0c\u786e\u5b9a\u8981\u79bb\u5f00\uff1f",
"Restore last draft": "\u6062\u590d\u4e0a\u6b21\u7684\u8349\u7a3f",
"Special character": "\u7279\u6b8a\u7b26\u53f7",
"Source code": "\u6e90\u4ee3\u7801",
"Language": "\u8bed\u8a00",
"Insert\/Edit code sample": "\u63d2\u5165\/\u7f16\u8f91\u4ee3\u7801\u793a\u4f8b",
"B": "B",
"R": "R",
"G": "G",
"Color": "\u989c\u8272",
"Right to left": "\u4ece\u53f3\u5230\u5de6",
"Left to right": "\u4ece\u5de6\u5230\u53f3",
"Emoticons": "\u8868\u60c5",
"Robots": "\u673a\u5668\u4eba",
"Document properties": "\u6587\u6863\u5c5e\u6027",
"Title": "\u6807\u9898",
"Keywords": "\u5173\u952e\u8bcd",
"Encoding": "\u7f16\u7801",
"Description": "\u63cf\u8ff0",
"Author": "\u4f5c\u8005",
"Fullscreen": "\u5168\u5c4f",
"Horizontal line": "\u6c34\u5e73\u5206\u5272\u7ebf",
"Horizontal space": "\u6c34\u5e73\u8fb9\u8ddd",
"Insert\/edit image": "\u63d2\u5165\/\u7f16\u8f91\u56fe\u7247",
"General": "\u666e\u901a",
"Advanced": "\u9ad8\u7ea7",
"Source": "\u5730\u5740",
"Border": "\u8fb9\u6846",
"Constrain proportions": "\u4fdd\u6301\u7eb5\u6a2a\u6bd4",
"Vertical space": "\u5782\u76f4\u8fb9\u8ddd",
"Image description": "\u56fe\u7247\u63cf\u8ff0",
"Style": "\u6837\u5f0f",
"Dimensions": "\u5927\u5c0f",
"Insert image": "\u63d2\u5165\u56fe\u7247",
"Image": "\u56fe\u7247",
"Zoom in": "\u653e\u5927",
"Contrast": "\u5bf9\u6bd4\u5ea6",
"Back": "\u540e\u9000",
"Gamma": "\u4f3d\u9a6c\u503c",
"Flip horizontally": "\u6c34\u5e73\u7ffb\u8f6c",
"Resize": "\u8c03\u6574\u5927\u5c0f",
"Sharpen": "\u9510\u5316",
"Zoom out": "\u7f29\u5c0f",
"Image options": "\u56fe\u7247\u9009\u9879",
"Apply": "\u5e94\u7528",
"Brightness": "\u4eae\u5ea6",
"Rotate clockwise": "\u987a\u65f6\u9488\u65cb\u8f6c",
"Rotate counterclockwise": "\u9006\u65f6\u9488\u65cb\u8f6c",
"Edit image": "\u7f16\u8f91\u56fe\u7247",
"Color levels": "\u989c\u8272\u5c42\u6b21",
"Crop": "\u88c1\u526a",
"Orientation": "\u65b9\u5411",
"Flip vertically": "\u5782\u76f4\u7ffb\u8f6c",
"Invert": "\u53cd\u8f6c",
"Date\/time": "\u65e5\u671f\/\u65f6\u95f4",
"Insert date\/time": "\u63d2\u5165\u65e5\u671f\/\u65f6\u95f4",
"Remove link": "\u5220\u9664\u94fe\u63a5",
"Url": "\u5730\u5740",
"Text to display": "\u663e\u793a\u6587\u5b57",
"Anchors": "\u951a\u70b9",
"Insert link": "\u63d2\u5165\u94fe\u63a5",
"Link": "\u94fe\u63a5",
"New window": "\u5728\u65b0\u7a97\u53e3\u6253\u5f00",
"None": "\u65e0",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "\u4f60\u6240\u586b\u5199\u7684URL\u5730\u5740\u5c5e\u4e8e\u5916\u90e8\u94fe\u63a5\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u52a0\u4e0ahttp:\/\/:\u524d\u7f00\u5417\uff1f",
"Paste or type a link": "\u7c98\u8d34\u6216\u8f93\u5165\u94fe\u63a5",
"Target": "\u6253\u5f00\u65b9\u5f0f",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "\u4f60\u6240\u586b\u5199\u7684URL\u5730\u5740\u4e3a\u90ae\u4ef6\u5730\u5740\uff0c\u9700\u8981\u52a0\u4e0amailto:\u524d\u7f00\u5417\uff1f",
"Insert\/edit link": "\u63d2\u5165\/\u7f16\u8f91\u94fe\u63a5",
"Insert\/edit video": "\u63d2\u5165\/\u7f16\u8f91\u89c6\u9891",
"Media": "\u5a92\u4f53",
"Alternative source": "\u955c\u50cf",
"Paste your embed code below:": "\u5c06\u5185\u5d4c\u4ee3\u7801\u7c98\u8d34\u5728\u4e0b\u9762:",
"Insert video": "\u63d2\u5165\u89c6\u9891",
"Poster": "\u5c01\u9762",
"Insert\/edit media": "\u63d2\u5165\/\u7f16\u8f91\u5a92\u4f53",
"Embed": "\u5185\u5d4c",
"Nonbreaking space": "\u4e0d\u95f4\u65ad\u7a7a\u683c",
"Page break": "\u5206\u9875\u7b26",
"Paste as text": "\u7c98\u8d34\u4e3a\u6587\u672c",
"Preview": "\u9884\u89c8",
"Print": "\u6253\u5370",
"Save": "\u4fdd\u5b58",
"Could not find the specified string.": "\u672a\u627e\u5230\u641c\u7d22\u5185\u5bb9.",
"Replace": "\u66ff\u6362",
"Next": "\u4e0b\u4e00\u4e2a",
"Whole words": "\u5168\u5b57\u5339\u914d",
"Find and replace": "\u67e5\u627e\u548c\u66ff\u6362",
"Replace with": "\u66ff\u6362\u4e3a",
"Find": "\u67e5\u627e",
"Replace all": "\u5168\u90e8\u66ff\u6362",
"Match case": "\u533a\u5206\u5927\u5c0f\u5199",
"Prev": "\u4e0a\u4e00\u4e2a",
"Spellcheck": "\u62fc\u5199\u68c0\u67e5",
"Finish": "\u5b8c\u6210",
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"Width": "\u5bbd",
"Cell properties": "\u5355\u5143\u683c\u5c5e\u6027",
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"Delete column": "\u5220\u9664\u5217",
"Center": "\u5c45\u4e2d",
"Merge cells": "\u5408\u5e76\u5355\u5143\u683c",
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