2.13 KiB
Highly-customizable frontend designed for Pleroma.
For Translators
To translate Pleroma-FE, use our weblate server: If you need to add your language it should be added as a json file in src/i18n/ folder and added in a list within src/i18n/languages.js.
Pleroma-FE will set your language by your browser locale, but you can change language in settings.
For instance admins
You don't need to build Pleroma-FE yourself. Those using the Pleroma backend will be able to use it out of the box. Information of customizing PleromaFE settings/defaults is in our guide and in case you want to build your own custom version there's another
Build Setup
# install dependencies
npm install -g yarn
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn dev
# build for production with minification
yarn build
# run unit tests
yarn unit