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Various websocket fixes

HJ requested to merge websocket-fixes into develop

Check changelog/commit log for actual things fixed

Remaining quirks:

  • sometimes websocket fails to detect that it's broken, no error happens, maybe we should actually watch pings manually?
  • when using streaming, upon loading, home TL will be fetched twice - once when doing initial fetch for websockets and another one to update TL, in case when you just load the home tl second request is superfluous

Some additional testing on sgsgb:

  • Error messages are a bit spammy
  • Connection can be closed (by server?) with code 1000, it's supposed to be normal closure but it seems that it's not. Gotta use 1001 for client-side socket closure and remove 1000 from ignore list?
  • Sometimes connection seemingly remains open (even if there were network problems) but nothing gets into it
  • Every time polling fallback kicks in it only fetches posts, not notifications.
  • Sometimes re-established connection get nothing into it (backend issue?).
Edited by HJ

Merge request reports