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add SK (Slovak) translation

Merged k2s requested to merge k2s/pleroma-fe:translation-sk into develop
All threads resolved!
1 file
+ 37
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+ 37
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
"text/markdown": "Markdown",
"text/bbcode": "BBCode"
"content_warning": "Subjekt (nepovinné)",
"content_warning": "Nadpis (nepovinné)",
"default": "Práve som ...",
"direct_warning_to_all": "Túto správu bude vidieť každý užívateľ, ktorého v nej spomenieš.",
"direct_warning_to_first_only": "This post will only be visible to the mentioned users at the beginning of the message.",
@@ -328,14 +328,14 @@
"change_password_error": "There was an issue changing your password.",
"changed_password": "Password changed successfully!",
"chatMessageRadius": "Chat message",
"collapse_subject": "Collapse posts with subjects",
"composing": "Composing",
"confirm_new_password": "Confirm new password",
"current_password": "Current password",
"collapse_subject": "Zbaľ správy s nadpisom",
"composing": "Vytvoriť",
"confirm_new_password": "Potvrdenie nového hesla",
"current_password": "Aktuálne platné heslo",
"mutes_and_blocks": "Mutes and Blocks",
"data_import_export_tab": "Data import / export",
"data_import_export_tab": "Import / export dát",
"default_vis": "Default visibility scope",
"delete_account": "Delete account",
"delete_account": "Zmazať účet",
"delete_account_description": "Permanently delete your data and deactivate your account.",
"delete_account_error": "There was an issue deleting your account. If this persists please contact your instance administrator.",
"delete_account_instructions": "Type your password in the input below to confirm account deletion.",
@@ -344,9 +344,9 @@
"avatar_size_instruction": "The recommended minimum size for avatar images is 150x150 pixels.",
"pad_emoji": "Pad emoji with spaces when adding from picker",
"emoji_reactions_on_timeline": "Show emoji reactions on timeline",
"export_theme": "Save preset",
"filtering": "Filtering",
"wordfilter": "Wordfilter",
"export_theme": "Uložiť nastavenia",
"filtering": "Filtrovanie",
"wordfilter": "Filter slov",
"filtering_explanation": "All statuses containing these words will be muted, one per line",
"word_filter": "Word filter",
"follow_export": "Follow export",
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
"follows_imported": "Follows imported! Processing them will take a while.",
"accent": "Accent",
"foreground": "Foreground",
"general": "General",
"general": "Všeobecne",
"hide_attachments_in_convo": "Hide attachments in conversations",
"hide_attachments_in_tl": "Hide attachments in timeline",
"hide_media_previews": "Hide media previews",
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
"presets": "Presets",
"profile_background": "Profile background",
"profile_banner": "Profile banner",
"profile_tab": "Profile",
"profile_tab": "Profil užívateľa",
"radii_help": "Set up interface edge rounding (in pixels)",
"replies_in_timeline": "Replies in timeline",
"reply_visibility_all": "Show all replies",
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
"saving_ok": "Settings saved",
"search_user_to_block": "Search whom you want to block",
"search_user_to_mute": "Search whom you want to mute",
"security_tab": "Security",
"security_tab": "Bezpečnosť",
"scope_copy": "Copy scope when replying (DMs are always copied)",
"minimal_scopes_mode": "Minimize post scope selection options",
"set_new_avatar": "Set new avatar",
@@ -473,9 +473,9 @@
"reset_avatar_confirm": "Do you really want to reset the avatar?",
"reset_banner_confirm": "Do you really want to reset the banner?",
"reset_background_confirm": "Do you really want to reset the background?",
"settings": "Settings",
"subject_input_always_show": "Always show subject field",
"subject_line_behavior": "Copy subject when replying",
"settings": "Nastavenia",
"subject_input_always_show": "Vždy zobraz pole nadpisu",
"subject_line_behavior": "Skopírovať nadpis pri posielaní odpoved",
"subject_line_email": "Like email: \"re: subject\"",
"subject_line_mastodon": "Like mastodon: copy as is",
"subject_line_noop": "Do not copy",
@@ -676,9 +676,9 @@
"version": {
"title": "Version",
"backend_version": "Backend version",
"frontend_version": "Frontend version"
"title": "Verzia",
"backend_version": "Verzia servera",
"frontend_version": "Verzia aplikácie"
"time": {
@@ -744,18 +744,18 @@
"mentions": "Spomenutia",
"replies_list": "Odpovede:",
"replies_list_with_others": "Replies (+{numReplies} other): | Replies (+{numReplies} others):",
"mute_conversation": "Mute conversation",
"unmute_conversation": "Unmute conversation",
"status_unavailable": "Status unavailable",
"copy_link": "Copy link to status",
"external_source": "External source",
"mute_conversation": "Stíšiť konverzáciu",
"unmute_conversation": "Oznamovať konverzáciu",
"status_unavailable": "Neznámy status",
"copy_link": "Skopírovať odkaz do správy",
"external_source": "Vzdialený zdroj",
"thread_muted": "Thread muted",
"thread_muted_and_words": ", has words:",
"show_full_subject": "Show full subject",
"hide_full_subject": "Hide full subject",
"show_content": "Show content",
"hide_content": "Hide content",
"status_deleted": "This post was deleted",
"thread_muted_and_words": ", má slová:",
"show_full_subject": "Zobraziť celý nadpis",
"hide_full_subject": "Skry celý nadpis",
"show_content": "Zobraziť obsah",
"hide_content": "Skryť obsah",
"status_deleted": "Táto správa bola zmazaná",
"nsfw": "NSFW",
"expand": "Rozbaliť správu",
"you": "(ty)",
@@ -809,19 +809,19 @@
"muted": "Stíšené",
"per_day": "za deň",
"remote_follow": "Nasledovanie z ďaleka",
"report": "Report",
"report": "Nahlásiť",
"statuses": "Vytvorených správ",
"subscribe": "Príhlásiť k odberu",
"subscribe": "Prihlásiť k odberu",
"unsubscribe": "Odhlásiť z odberu",
"unblock": "Odblokovať",
"unblock_progress": "Oblokováva sa…",
"block_progress": "Zablokováva sa…",
"block_progress": "Blokujem…",
"unmute": "Povoliť oznamy",
"unmute_progress": "Povoľujem oznamy…",
"mute_progress": "Stišujem…",
"hide_repeats": "Skry zopakovania",
"show_repeats": "Zobraz zopakovania",
"bot": "Bot",
"bot": "Robot",
"admin_menu": {
"moderation": "Moderation",
"grant_admin": "Grant Admin",
@@ -854,12 +854,12 @@
"profile_loading_error": "Sorry, there was an error loading this profile."
"user_reporting": {
"title": "Reporting {0}",
"title": "Nahlásení {0}",
"add_comment_description": "The report will be sent to your instance moderators. You can provide an explanation of why you are reporting this account below:",
"additional_comments": "Additional comments",
"additional_comments": "Ďalšie poznámky",
"forward_description": "The account is from another server. Send a copy of the report there as well?",
"forward_to": "Forward to {0}",
"submit": "Submit",
"submit": "Odoslať",
"generic_error": "An error occurred while processing your request."
"who_to_follow": {