Re-do status header a bit, add more consistent spacing to status
Closes #264 (closed)
Changes in status header:
- always keep poster name and account name on the first line, cut with ellipsis when necessary. No more things jumping around when 9min becomes 10min and line is suddenly too long.
- always keep reply-to stuff on second row for consistency
- move the reply arrow to the beginning of the line, so it's always in the same place regardless of username lengths
- add text "Reply to" text next to the arrow, hovering on either the arrow or the text shows the reply preview
Other changes:
- try to keep the spacing inside and around status more consistent and give more room for the different elements to breathe. (now attachments or link preview don't have to compensate for right edge of status)
- change paragraph styles so that all statuses look more consistent, regardless of which formatting options they were made with (so line+linebreak+line coming from mastodon should look the same as line+linebreak+line coming from pleroma plaintext)
- give desktop the bigger icons too that were on mobile only previously
Edited by Shpuld Shpludson