date: 2024-11-26 00:00 UTC
tags: ["stable", "Release"]
author: lanodan
Pleroma 2.7.1 is a bugfix release. Please read through the changelog to see the changes in detail.
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## Upgrade notes
### From source only
1. Get new dependencies and recompile Pleroma:
MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.get
MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
2. Restart Pleroma
### Everyone
1. Restart Pleroma
## Backend changes
### Changed
- Accept `application/activity+json` for requests to `/.well-known/nodeinfo`
### Fixed
- Truncate remote user fields, avoids them getting rejected
- Improve the `FollowValidator` to successfully incoming activities with an errant `cc` field.
- Resolved edge case where the API can report you are following a user but the relationship is not fully established.
- The Swoosh email adapter for Mailgun was missing a new dependency on `:multipart`
- Fix Mastodon WebSocket authentication