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  • pleroma/pleroma
  • eal/pleroma
  • feld/pleroma
  • tibike/pleroma
  • href/pleroma
  • hyper/pleroma
  • otremblay/pleroma
  • partial/pleroma
  • notjeff/pleroma
  • mimikun/pleroma
  • hakabahitoyo/pleroma
  • calv/pleroma
  • S_H_/pleroma
  • normandy/pleroma
  • andarna/pleroma
  • qwexvf/pleroma
  • mevo/pleroma
  • kaniini/pleroma
  • tyge/pleroma
  • pony/pleroma
  • mikeo/pleroma
  • karolat/pleroma
  • Steph/pleroma
  • nalivaj/pleroma
  • f0x/pleroma
  • explosionguy/pleroma
  • nepfag/pleroma
  • ataalik/pleroma
  • Sir_Boops/pleroma
  • gled/pleroma
  • kirishima/pleroma
  • csaurus/pleroma
  • noyuno/pleroma
  • dashie/pleroma
  • animeirl/pleroma
  • lupine/pleroma
  • andrewzah/pleroma
  • ktsukik/pleroma
  • fotfd/pleroma
  • Syldexia/pleroma
  • witti/pleroma
  • ben/pleroma
  • som/pleroma
  • DeeUnderscore/pleroma
  • Toromino/pleroma
  • riking/pleroma
  • dr1ft/pleroma
  • squidboi/pleroma
  • dex/pleroma
  • viv/pleroma
  • jorty/pleroma
  • stolas/pleroma
  • trqx/pleroma
  • shadowfacts/pleroma
  • scarlett/pleroma
  • vaartis/pleroma
  • worr/pleroma
  • uiri/pleroma
  • shibayashi/pleroma
  • thurloat/pleroma
  • darko/pleroma
  • mkhl/pleroma
  • sn0w/pleroma
  • dfeyer/pleroma
  • mayel/pleroma
  • succfemboi/pleroma
  • nasonfish/pleroma
  • Doctorx/pleroma
  • KokaKiwi/pleroma
  • raven/pleroma
  • h3poteto/pleroma
  • jorin/pleroma
  • greizgh/pleroma
  • cod3monk3y/pleroma
  • rinpatch/pleroma
  • maxf/pleroma
  • minibikini/pleroma
  • parallel588/pleroma
  • oceanvald/pleroma
  • i1t/pleroma
  • woodcat/pleroma
  • l-x/pleroma
  • link0ff/pleroma
  • raeno/pleroma
  • qadeer/pleroma
  • nonlinear/pleroma
  • mloftis/pleroma
  • FloatingGhost/pleroma
  • VyrCossont/pleroma
  • vinzv/pleroma
  • cascode/pleroma
  • anand/pleroma
  • frank87/pleroma
  • iodine/pleroma
  • Horsemans/pleroma
  • barrettbreshears/pleroma
  • luna/pleroma
  • eugenijm/pleroma
  • melissasage/pleroma
  • witcheslive/pleroma
  • edijs/pleroma
  • Dave/pleroma
  • Lidar/pleroma
  • 11backslashes/pleroma
  • 0x1C3B00DA/pleroma
  • FongWan/pleroma
  • foggy1/pleroma
  • faried/pleroma
  • alex.s/pleroma
  • njoseph/pleroma
  • ssuprunenko/pleroma
  • chvanikoff/pleroma
  • quad/pleroma
  • xse/pleroma
  • kunimi53chi/pleroma
  • lexpierce/pleroma
  • aptinio/pleroma
  • iramch/pleroma
  • polymerwitch/pleroma
  • linafilippova/pleroma
  • alfie/pleroma
  • saper/pleroma
  • partridge/pleroma
  • ynakao/pleroma
  • deorsum/pleroma
  • sevvie/pleroma
  • kphrx/pleroma
  • chrismccord/pleroma
  • march/pleroma
  • moonman/pleroma
  • sixohsix/pleroma
  • tallship/pleroma
  • tom79/pleroma
  • outofambit/pleroma
  • oncletom/pleroma
  • skeptik101/pleroma
  • t/pleroma
  • Claire/pleroma
  • Mokou/pleroma
  • nik/pleroma
  • stwf/pleroma
  • aries/pleroma
  • ultem/pleroma
  • daughter_of_fury/pleroma
  • foxiepaws/pleroma
  • pea/pleroma
  • Pasty/pleroma
  • yalh76/pleroma
  • mandel59/pleroma
  • DaKeiser/pleroma
  • technomancy/pleroma
  • jayme/pleroma
  • kensanata/pleroma
  • brian/pleroma
  • ewaf/pleroma
  • Alexpono/pleroma
  • tcit/pleroma
  • a1batross/pleroma
  • doof/pleroma
  • sjw/pleroma
  • mirsal/pleroma
  • rustra/pleroma
  • xenofem/pleroma
  • Igeljaeger/pleroma
  • albino/pleroma
  • phaer/pleroma
  • vala/pleroma
  • cevado/pleroma
  • arkSong/pleroma
  • haoran127/pleroma
  • neftalyluis/pleroma
  • fence/pleroma
  • Hikali/pleroma
  • alexgleason/pleroma
  • Duponin/pleroma
  • patcoll/pleroma
  • ali/pleroma
  • ilja/pleroma
  • kleidukos/pleroma
  • primeos/pleroma
  • translate/pleroma
  • absturztaube/pleroma
  • lukas/pleroma
  • fristi/pleroma
  • NEETzsche/pleroma
  • vpzom/pleroma
  • freon/pleroma
  • guysoft/pleroma
  • dkuku/pleroma
  • bird/pleroma
  • shevek/pleroma
  • piaste/pleroma
  • mkfain/pleroma
  • hugo/pleroma
  • seanking/pleroma
  • fikran/pleroma
  • sunny-day/pleroma
  • Snow/pleroma
  • mjc1/pleroma
  • Jeder/pleroma
  • swentel/pleroma
  • Ted/pleroma
  • Hugal31/pleroma
  • barrucadu/pleroma
  • jp/pleroma
  • Larry/pleroma
  • me/pleroma
  • jascou/pleroma
  • volanar/pleroma
  • squeegily/pleroma
  • sf/pleroma
  • zonk/pleroma
  • PestToast/pleroma
  • pasture/pleroma
  • tusooa/pleroma
  • io/pleroma
  • chillout-chat/pleroma
  • gustavs_markos/pleroma
220 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (6419)
Showing with 1754 additions and 152 deletions
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
# If you create your own checks, you must specify the source files for
# them here, so they can be loaded by Credo before running the analysis.
requires: [],
requires: ["./test/credo/check/consistency/file_location.ex"],
# Credo automatically checks for updates, like e.g. Hex does.
# You can disable this behaviour below:
......@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
# set this value to 0 (zero).
{Credo.Check.Design.TagTODO, exit_status: 0},
{Credo.Check.Design.TagFIXME, exit_status: 0},
{Credo.Check.Readability.MaxLineLength, priority: :low, max_length: 100},
......@@ -84,6 +83,7 @@
# lanodan: I think PreferImplicitTry should be consistency, and the behaviour seems
# inconsistent, see:
{Credo.Check.Readability.PreferImplicitTry, false},
{Credo.Check.Readability.PipeIntoAnonymousFunctions, exit_status: 0},
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
{Credo.Check.Readability.WithSingleClause, exit_status: 0},
......@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@
......@@ -131,6 +130,7 @@
# Custom checks can be created using `mix credo.gen.check`.
{"lib/cachex.ex", "Unknown type: Spec.cache/0."},
{"lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter.ex", "The pattern can never match the type {:commit, _} | {:ignore, _}."},
{"lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter.ex", "Function get_scale/2 will never be called."},
{"lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter.ex", "Function initialize_buckets!/1 will never be called."},
{"lib/pleroma/workers/receiver_worker.ex", :call},
{"lib/pleroma/workers/receiver_worker.ex", :pattern_match},
{"lib/pleroma/workers/receiver_worker.ex", :pattern_match_cov},
inputs: ["mix.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}", "priv/repo/migrations/*.exs", "priv/scrubbers/*.ex"]
inputs: ["mix.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}", "priv/repo/migrations/*.exs", "priv/repo/optional_migrations/**/*.exs", "priv/scrubbers/*.ex"]
*.ex diff=elixir
*.exs diff=elixir
priv/static/instance/static.css diff=css
# Most of js/css files included in the repo are minified bundles,
# and we don't want to search/diff those as text files.
*.js binary
* binary
*.css binary
......@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
......@@ -26,9 +28,12 @@ erl_crash.dump
# variables.
# Database setup file, some may forget to delete it
......@@ -43,9 +48,21 @@ docs/
# Code test coverage
# asdf
# Editor temp files
# Test files should be named *.exs
image: elixir:1.9.4
variables: &global_variables
# Only used for the release
ELIXIR_VER: 1.17.3
POSTGRES_DB: pleroma_test
DB_HOST: postgres
DB_PORT: "5432"
MIX_ENV: test
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"
when: never
cache: &global_cache_policy
- deps
- _build
- build
- lint
- test
- check-changelog
- benchmark
- deploy
- release
- docker
- docker-combine
- mix local.hex --force
- mix local.rebar --force
- echo $MIX_ENV
- rm -rf _build/*/lib/pleroma
- mix deps.get
- rm -rf _build/*/lib/pleroma
stage: check-changelog
image: alpine
- if: $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_PROJECT_PATH == 'pleroma/pleroma' && $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME == 'weblate-extract'
when: never
when: never
before_script: ''
after_script: ''
cache: {}
- apk add git
- sh ./tools/check-changelog
- changes:
- ".gitlab-ci.yml"
- "**/*.ex"
- "**/*.exs"
- "mix.lock"
- amd64
- .build_changes_policy
- .using-ci-base
stage: build
- mix deps.get
- mix compile --force
- .build_changes_policy
- .using-ci-base
stage: build
- mix compile --force
- .using-ci-base
stage: build
- changes:
- ".gitlab-ci.yml"
- "lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/**/*.ex"
- "lib/pleroma/web/api_spec.ex"
- spec.json
- mix pleroma.openapi_spec spec.json
- .using-ci-base
stage: benchmark
when: manual
MIX_ENV: benchmark
- name: postgres:9.6
- name: postgres:11.22-alpine
alias: postgres
command: ["postgres", "-c", "fsync=off", "-c", "synchronous_commit=off", "-c", "full_page_writes=off"]
- mix deps.get
- mix ecto.create
- mix ecto.migrate
- mix pleroma.load_testing
- .build_changes_policy
- .using-ci-base
stage: test
retry: 2
cache: &testing_cache_policy
<<: *global_cache_policy
policy: pull
- name: postgres:9.6
services: &testing_services
- name: postgres:13-alpine
alias: postgres
command: ["postgres", "-c", "fsync=off", "-c", "synchronous_commit=off", "-c", "full_page_writes=off"]
- mix deps.get
script: &testing_script
- mix ecto.create
- mix ecto.migrate
- mix coveralls --preload-modules
- mix pleroma.test_runner --cover --preload-modules
coverage: '/^Line total: ([^ ]*%)$/'
coverage_format: cobertura
path: coverage.xml
- .build_changes_policy
- .using-ci-base
stage: test
cache: *testing_cache_policy
- name: minibikini/postgres-with-rum:12
alias: postgres
command: ["postgres", "-c", "fsync=off", "-c", "synchronous_commit=off", "-c", "full_page_writes=off"]
- mix deps.get
- mix ecto.create
- mix ecto.migrate
- epmd -daemon
- mix test --trace --only federated
services: *testing_services
script: *testing_script
stage: test
retry: 2
extends: .build_changes_policy
image: &formatting_elixir elixir:1.15-alpine
stage: lint
cache: *testing_cache_policy
- name: minibikini/postgres-with-rum:12
alias: postgres
command: ["postgres", "-c", "fsync=off", "-c", "synchronous_commit=off", "-c", "full_page_writes=off"]
<<: *global_variables
before_script: &current_bfr_script
- apk update
- apk add build-base cmake file-dev git openssl
- mix local.hex --force
- mix local.rebar --force
- mix deps.get
- mix ecto.create
- mix ecto.migrate
- "mix ecto.migrate --migrations-path priv/repo/optional_migrations/rum_indexing/"
- mix test --preload-modules
stage: test
cache: *testing_cache_policy
- mix format --check-formatted
extends: .build_changes_policy
image: *formatting_elixir
stage: lint
cache: {}
before_script: *current_bfr_script
- mix compile
- mix xref graph --format cycles --label compile | awk '{print $0} END{exit ($0 != "No cycles found")}'
stage: test
- .build_changes_policy
- .using-ci-base
stage: lint
cache: *testing_cache_policy
- mix deps.get
- mix credo --strict --only=warnings,todo,fixme,consistency,readability
- .build_changes_policy
- .using-ci-base
stage: lint
allow_failure: true
when: manual
cache: *testing_cache_policy
- feld
- mix dialyzer
stage: deploy
cache: *testing_cache_policy
......@@ -118,7 +208,7 @@ docs-deploy:
- apk add curl
- curl -X POST -F"token=$DOCS_PIPELINE_TRIGGER" -F'ref=master' -F"variables[BRANCH]=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"
- curl --fail-with-body -X POST -F"token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN" -F'ref=master' -F"variables[BRANCH]=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"
image: alpine:3.9
stage: deploy
......@@ -148,6 +238,20 @@ review_app:
- (ssh -t -- certs:add "$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG" /home/dokku/server.crt /home/dokku/server.key) || true
- git push -f$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG $CI_COMMIT_SHA:refs/heads/master
stage: deploy
- spec.json
- develop@pleroma/pleroma
image: alpine:latest
- apk add curl
- curl --fail-with-body -X POST -F"token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN" -F'ref=master' -F"variables[BRANCH]=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" -F"variables[JOB_REF]=$CI_JOB_ID"
image: alpine:3.9
stage: deploy
......@@ -168,12 +272,15 @@ stop_review_app:
stage: release
image: elixir:1.10.3
name: hexpm/elixir-amd64:1.17.3-erlang-
only: &release-only
- stable@pleroma/pleroma
- develop@pleroma/pleroma
- /^maint/.*$/@pleroma/pleroma
- /^release/.*$/@pleroma/pleroma
- amd64
artifacts: &release-artifacts
......@@ -190,8 +297,11 @@ amd64:
- deps
variables: &release-variables
MIX_ENV: prod
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
before_script: &before-release
- echo "import Mix.Config" > config/prod.secret.exs
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y cmake libmagic-dev libvips-dev erlang-dev git
- echo "import Config" > config/prod.secret.exs
- mix local.hex --force
- mix local.rebar --force
script: &release
......@@ -205,23 +315,27 @@ amd64-musl:
stage: release
artifacts: *release-artifacts
only: *release-only
image: elixir:1.10.3-alpine
name: hexpm/elixir-amd64:1.17.3-erlang-
- amd64
cache: *release-cache
variables: *release-variables
before_script: &before-release-musl
- apk add git gcc g++ musl-dev make
- echo "import Mix.Config" > config/prod.secret.exs
- apk add git build-base cmake file-dev openssl vips-dev
- echo "import Config" > config/prod.secret.exs
- mix local.hex --force
- mix local.rebar --force
script: *release
stage: release
allow_failure: true
artifacts: *release-artifacts
only: *release-only
- arm32
image: elixir:1.10.3
- arm32-specified
image: arm32v7/elixir:$ELIXIR_VER
cache: *release-cache
variables: *release-variables
before_script: *before-release
......@@ -232,8 +346,8 @@ arm-musl:
artifacts: *release-artifacts
only: *release-only
- arm32
image: elixir:1.10.3-alpine
- arm32-specified
image: arm32v7/elixir:$ELIXIR_VER-alpine
cache: *release-cache
variables: *release-variables
before_script: *before-release-musl
......@@ -245,7 +359,8 @@ arm64:
only: *release-only
- arm
image: elixir:1.10.3
name: hexpm/elixir-arm64:1.17.3-erlang-
cache: *release-cache
variables: *release-variables
before_script: *before-release
......@@ -257,72 +372,174 @@ arm64-musl:
only: *release-only
- arm
# TODO: Replace with upstream image when 1.9.0 comes out
image: elixir:1.10.3-alpine
name: hexpm/elixir-arm64:1.17.3-erlang-
cache: *release-cache
variables: *release-variables
before_script: *before-release-musl
script: *release
stage: docker
image: docker:latest
entrypoint: [""]
cache: {}
dependencies: []
variables: &docker-variables
DOCKER_HOST: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
before_script: &before-docker
- docker pull $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG || true
before_script: &before-kaniko
- export CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP=$(date --utc -Iseconds)
allow_failure: true
- docker build --cache-from $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG --build-arg VCS_REF=$CI_VCS_REF --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP -t $IMAGE_TAG -t $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG -t $IMAGE_TAG_LATEST .
- docker push $IMAGE_TAG
- docker push $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG
- docker push $IMAGE_TAG_LATEST
- dind
- mkdir -p /kaniko/.docker
- echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json
extends: .kaniko
- develop@pleroma/pleroma
stage: docker
image: docker:latest
cache: {}
dependencies: []
variables: *docker-variables
before_script: *before-docker
allow_failure: true
- docker build --cache-from $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG --build-arg VCS_REF=$CI_VCS_REF --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP -t $IMAGE_TAG -t $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG -t $IMAGE_TAG_LATEST_STABLE .
- docker push $IMAGE_TAG
- docker push $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG
- dind
- /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/Dockerfile --custom-platform=$BUILD_ARCH --build-arg VCS_REF=$CI_VCS_REF --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP --build-arg ELIXIR_IMG=$ELIXIR_IMG --destination $IMAGE_TAG --destination $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG --destination $IMAGE_TAG_LATEST
extends: .kaniko
- stable@pleroma/pleroma
- /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/Dockerfile --custom-platform=$BUILD_ARCH --build-arg VCS_REF=$CI_VCS_REF --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP --build-arg ELIXIR_IMG=$ELIXIR_IMG --destination $IMAGE_TAG --destination $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG --destination $IMAGE_TAG_LATEST_STABLE
stage: docker
image: docker:latest
cache: {}
dependencies: []
variables: *docker-variables
before_script: *before-docker
allow_failure: true
extends: .kaniko
- /^release/.*$/@pleroma/pleroma
- docker build --cache-from $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG --build-arg VCS_REF=$CI_VCS_REF --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP -t $IMAGE_TAG -t $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG .
- docker push $IMAGE_TAG
- docker push $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG
- /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/Dockerfile --custom-platform=$BUILD_ARCH --build-arg VCS_REF=$CI_VCS_REF --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP --build-arg ELIXIR_IMG=$ELIXIR_IMG --destination $IMAGE_TAG --destination $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG
extends: .kaniko
- /^build-docker/.*$/@pleroma/pleroma
- /kaniko/executor --context $CI_PROJECT_DIR --dockerfile $CI_PROJECT_DIR/Dockerfile --custom-platform=$BUILD_ARCH --build-arg VCS_REF=$CI_VCS_REF --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP --build-arg ELIXIR_IMG=$ELIXIR_IMG --destination $IMAGE_TAG --destination $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG
BUILD_ARCH: linux/amd64
ELIXIR_IMG: hexpm/elixir
- dind
- amd64
BUILD_ARCH: linux/arm64/v8
BUILD_ARCH_IMG_SUFFIX: linux-arm64-v8
ELIXIR_IMG: hexpm/elixir
- arm
BUILD_ARCH: linux/arm/v7
- arm32-specified
- .kaniko-latest
- .kaniko:linux/amd64
- .kaniko-latest
- .kaniko:linux/arm64
- .kaniko-latest
- .kaniko:linux/arm
- .kaniko-stable
- .kaniko:linux/amd64
- .kaniko-stable
- .kaniko:linux/arm64
- .kaniko-stable
- .kaniko:linux/arm
- .kaniko-release
- .kaniko:linux/amd64
- .kaniko-release
- .kaniko:linux/arm64
- .kaniko-release
- .kaniko:linux/arm
stage: docker-combine
image: docker:cli
cache: {}
- 'BUILD_ARCHES="linux-amd64 linux-arm64-v8 linux-arm-v7"'
- mkdir -p ~/.docker
- echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > ~/.docker/config.json
extends: .docker-combine
- develop@pleroma/pleroma
- 'docker manifest create $IMAGE_TAG $IMAGES'
- 'docker manifest push $IMAGE_TAG'
- 'docker manifest create $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG $IMAGES_SLUG'
- 'docker manifest push $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG'
- 'docker manifest create $IMAGE_TAG_LATEST $IMAGES_LATEST'
- 'docker manifest push $IMAGE_TAG_LATEST'
extends: .docker-combine
- stable@pleroma/pleroma
- 'docker manifest create $IMAGE_TAG $IMAGES'
- 'docker manifest push $IMAGE_TAG'
- 'docker manifest create $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG $IMAGES_SLUG'
- 'docker manifest push $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG'
- 'docker manifest push $IMAGE_TAG_LATEST_STABLE'
extends: .docker-combine
- /^release/.*$/@pleroma/pleroma
- 'docker manifest create $IMAGE_TAG $IMAGES'
- 'docker manifest push $IMAGE_TAG'
- 'docker manifest create $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG $IMAGES_SLUG'
- 'docker manifest push $IMAGE_TAG_SLUG'
......@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@
### Environment
* Installation type:
- [ ] OTP
- [ ] From source
* Installation type (OTP or From Source):
* Pleroma version (could be found in the "Version" tab of settings in Pleroma-FE):
* Elixir version (`elixir -v` for from source installations, N/A for OTP):
* Operating system:
### Checklist
- [ ] Adding a changelog: In the `changelog.d` directory, create a file named `<code>.<type>`.
`<code>` can be anything, but we recommend using a more or less unique identifier to avoid collisions, such as the branch name.
`<type>` can be `add`, `change`, `remove`, `fix`, `security` or `skip`. `skip` is only used if there is no user-visible change in the MR (for example, only editing comments in the code). Otherwise, choose a type that corresponds to your change.
In the file, write the changelog entry. For example, if an MR adds group functionality, we can create a file named `group.add` and write `Add group functionality` in it.
If one changelog entry is not enough, you may add more. But that might mean you can split it into two MRs. Only use more than one changelog entry if you really need to (for example, when one change in the code fix two different bugs, or when refactoring).
### Release checklist
* [ ] Bump version in `mix.exs`
* [ ] Compile a changelog
* [ ] Create an MR with an announcement to
* [ ] Tag the release
* [ ] Bump version in `mix.exs`
* [ ] Compile a changelog with the `tools/collect-changelog` script
* [ ] Create an MR with an announcement to
#### post-merge
* [ ] Tag the release on the merge commit
* [ ] Make the tag into a Gitlab Release™
* [ ] Merge `stable` into `develop` (in case the fixes are already in develop, use `git merge -s ours --no-commit` and manually merge the changelogs)
Ariadne Conill <> <>
Ariadne Conill <> <>
rinpatch <> <>
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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
## [unreleased]
## 2.9.1
### Security
- Fix authorization checks for C2S Update activities to prevent unauthorized modifications of other users' content.
- Fix content-type spoofing vulnerability that could allow users to upload ActivityPub objects as attachments
- Reject cross-domain redirects when fetching ActivityPub objects to prevent bypassing domain-based security controls.
- Limit emoji shortcodes to alphanumeric, dash, or underscore characters to prevent potential abuse.
- Block attempts to fetch activities from the local instance to prevent spoofing.
- Sanitize Content-Type headers in media proxy to prevent serving malicious ActivityPub content through proxied media.
- Validate Content-Type headers when fetching remote ActivityPub objects to prevent spoofing attacks.
### Changed
- Include `pl-fe` in available frontends
### Fixed
- Remove trailing ` from end of line 75 which caused issues copy-pasting
## 2.9.0
### Security
- Require HTTP signatures (if enabled) for routes used by both C2S and S2S AP API
- Fix several spoofing vectors
### Changed
- Performance: Use 301 (permanent) redirect instead of 302 (temporary) when redirecting small images in media proxy. This allows browsers to cache the redirect response.
### Added
- Include "published" in actor view
- Link to exported outbox/followers/following collections in backup actor.json
- Hashtag following
- Allow to specify post language
### Fixed
- Verify a local Update sent through AP C2S so users can only update their own objects
- Fix Mastodon incoming edits with inlined "likes"
- Allow incoming "Listen" activities
- Fix missing check for domain presence in rich media ignore_host configuration
- Fix Rich Media parsing of TwitterCards/OpenGraph to adhere to the spec and always choose the first image if multiple are provided.
- Fix OpenGraph/TwitterCard meta tag ordering for posts with multiple attachments
- Fix blurhash generation crashes
### Removed
- Retire MRFs DNSRBL, FODirectReply, and QuietReply
## 2.8.0
### Changed
- Metadata: Do not include .atom feed links for remote accounts
- Bumped `fast_html` to v2.3.0, which notably allows to use system-installed lexbor with passing `WITH_SYSTEM_LEXBOR=1` environment variable at build-time
- Dedupe upload filter now uses a three-level sharding directory structure
- Deprecate `/api/v1/pleroma/accounts/:id/subscribe`/`unsubscribe`
- Restrict incoming activities from unknown actors to a subset that does not imply a previous relationship and early rejection of unrecognized activity types.
- Elixir 1.14 and Erlang/OTP 23 is now the minimum supported release
- Support `id` param in `GET /api/v1/statuses`
- LDAP authentication has been refactored to operate as a GenServer process which will maintain an active connection to the LDAP server.
- Fix 'Setting a marker should mark notifications as read'
- Adjust more Oban workers to enforce unique job constraints.
- Oban updated to 2.18.3
- Publisher behavior improvement when snoozing Oban jobs due to Gun connection pool contention.
- Poll results refreshing is handled asynchronously and will not attempt to keep fetching updates to a closed poll.
- Tuning for release builds to lower CPU usage.
- Rich Media preview fetching will skip making an HTTP HEAD request to check a URL for allowed content type and length if the Tesla adapter is Gun or Finch
- Fix nonexisting user will not generate metadata for search engine opt-out
- Update Oban to 2.18
- Worker configuration is no longer available. This only affects custom max_retries values for a couple Oban queues.
### Added
- Add metadata provider for ActivityPub alternate links
- Added support for argon2 passwords and their conversion for migration from Akkoma fork to upstream.
- Respect :restrict_unauthenticated for hashtag rss/atom feeds
- LDAP configuration now permits overriding the CA root certificate file for TLS validation.
- LDAP now supports users changing their passwords
- Include list id in StatusView
- Added MRF.FODirectReply which changes replies to followers-only posts to be direct.
- Add `id_filter` to MRF to filter URLs and their domain prior to fetching
- Added MRF.QuietReply which prevents replies to public posts from being published to the timelines
- Add `group_key` to notifications
- Allow providing avatar/header descriptions
- Added RemoteReportPolicy from Rebased for handling bogus federated reports
- scrubbers/default: Allow "mention hashtag" classes used by Mastodon
- Added dependencies for Swoosh's Mua mail adapter
- Include session scopes in TokenView
### Fixed
- Verify a local Update sent through AP C2S so users can only update their own objects
- Fixed malformed follow requests that cause them to appear stuck pending due to the recipient being unable to process them.
- Fix incoming Block activities being rejected
- STARTTLS certificate and hostname verification for LDAP authentication
- LDAPS connections (implicit TLS) are now supported.
- Fix /api/v2/media returning the wrong status code (202) for media processed synchronously
- Miscellaneous fixes for Meilisearch support
- Fix pleroma_ctl mix task calls sometimes not being found
- Add a rate limiter to the OAuth App creation endpoint and ensure registered apps are assigned to users.
- ReceiverWorker will cancel processing jobs instead of retrying if the user cannot be fetched due to 403, 404, or 410 errors or if the account is disabled locally.
- Address case where instance reachability status couldn't be updated
- Remote Fetcher Worker recognizes more permanent failure errors
- StreamerView: Do not leak follows count if hidden
- Imports of blocks, mutes, and follows would retry repeatedly due to incorrect error handling and all work executed in a single job
- Make vapid_config return empty array, fixing preloading for instances without push notifications configured
### Removed
- Remove stub for /api/v1/accounts/:id/identity_proofs (deprecated by Mastodon 3.5.0)
## 2.7.1
### Changed
- Accept `application/activity+json` for requests to `/.well-known/nodeinfo`
### Fixed
- Truncate remote user fields, avoids them getting rejected
- Improve the `FollowValidator` to successfully incoming activities with an errant `cc` field.
- Resolved edge case where the API can report you are following a user but the relationship is not fully established.
- The Swoosh email adapter for Mailgun was missing a new dependency on `:multipart`
- Fix Mastodon WebSocket authentication
## 2.7.0
### Security
- HTTP Security: By default, don't allow unsafe-eval. The setting needs to be changed to allow Flash emulation.
- Fix webfinger spoofing.
- Use proper workers for fetching pins instead of an ad-hoc task, fixing a potential fetch loop
### Changed
- Update to Phoenix 1.7
- Elixir Logger configuration is now longer permitted through AdminFE and ConfigDB
- Refactor the user backups code and improve test coverage
- Invalid activities delivered to the inbox will be rejected with a 400 Bad Request
- Support Bandit as an alternative to Cowboy for the HTTP server.
- Update Bandit to 1.5.2
- Replace eblurhash with rinpatch_blurhash. This also removes a dependency on ImageMagick.
- Elixir 1.13 is the minimum required version.
- Document maximum supported version of Erlang & Elixir
- Update and extend NetBSD installation docs
- Make `/api/v1/pleroma/federation_status` publicly available
- Increase outgoing federation parallelism
- Change Hackney connection pool timeouts to align with the values Gun uses
- Transmogrifier: handle non-validate errors on incoming Delete activities
- Remote object fetch failures will prevent the object fetch job from retrying if the object request returns 401, 403, 404, 410, or exceeds the maximum thread depth.
- - Change AccountView `last_status_at` from a datetime to a date (as done in Mastodon 3.1.0)
- Improve error logging when LDAP authentication fails.
- Publisher jobs will not retry if the error received is a 400
- PollWorker jobs will not retry if the activity no longer exists.
- Improved detecting unrecoverable errors for incoming federation jobs
- Changed some jobs to return :cancel on unrecoverable errors that should not be retried
- Discard Remote Fetcher jobs which errored due to an MRF rejection.
- Oban queues have refactored to simplify the queue design
- Ensure all Oban jobs have timeouts defined
- Optimistic Inbox reduces the processing overhead of incoming activities without instantly verifiable signatures.
- HTTP connection pool adjustments
- Disable jit by default for PostgreSQL
- Update the documentation for configuring Prometheus metrics.
- Change the prometheus library to PromEx.
- Publisher jobs now store the the activity id instead of inserting duplicate JSON data in the Oban queue for each delivery.
- Activity publishing failures will prevent the job from retrying if the publishing request returns a 403 or 410
- Publisher errors will now emit logs indicating the inbox that was not available for delivery.
- Reduce the reachability timestamp update to a single upsert query
- A 422 error is returned when attempting to reply to a deleted status
- Rich Media backfilling is now an Oban job
- Refactored Rich Media to cache the content in the database. Fetching operations that could block status rendering have been eliminated.
- Set default values on validators for transient objects (attachment, poll options)
- User profile refreshes are now asynchronous
- Change mediaproxy previews to use vips to generate thumbnails instead of ImageMagick
- Render nice web push notifications for polls
- Refactor the Mastodon /api/v1/streaming websocket handler to use Phoenix.Socket.Transport
### Added
- Uploader: Add support for uploading attachments using IPFS
- Add NSFW-detecting MRF
- Add options to the mix prune_objects task
- Add Anti-mention Spam MRF backported from Rebased
- HTTPSignaturePlug: Add :authorized_fetch_mode_exceptions configuration
- Support /authorize-interaction route used by Mastodon
- Add an option to reject certain domains when authorized fetch is enabled.
- Include following/followers in backups
- Allow to group bookmarks in folders
- Include image description in status media cards
- Implement `/api/v1/accounts/familiar_followers`
- Add support for configuring favicon, embed favicon and PWA manifest in server-generated meta
- Implement FEP-2c59, add "webfinger" to user actor
- Framegrabs with ffmpeg will execute with a 5 second timeout and cache the URLs of failures with a TTL of 15 minutes to prevent excessive retries.
- Added a Mix task "pleroma.config fix_mrf_policies" which will remove erroneous MRF policies from ConfigDB.
- Add ForceMention MRF
- [docs] add frontends management documentation
- Implement group actors
- Add contact account to InstanceView
- Add instance rules
- Implement /api/v2/instance route
- Verify profile link ownership with rel="me"
- Logger metadata is now attached to some logs to help with troubleshooting and analysis
- Add new parameters to /api/v2/instance: configuration[accounts][max_pinned_statuses] and configuration[statuses][characters_reserved_per_url]
- Add meilisearch, make search engines pluggable
- Add missing indexes on foreign key relationships
- Startup detection for configured MRF modules that are missing or incorrectly defined
- Permit passing --chunk and --step values to the Pleroma.Search.Indexer Mix task
- Deleting, Unfavoriting, Unrepeating, or Unreacting will cancel undelivered publishing jobs for the original activity.
- Oban jobs can now be viewed in the Live Dashboard
- Add media proxy to opengraph rich media cards
- Support for Erlang OTP 26
- Prioritize mentioned recipients (i.e., those that are not just followers) when federating.
- PromEx documentation
- Expose nonAnonymous field from Smithereen polls
- Add Qdrant/OpenAI embedding search
- Adds the capability to add a URL to a scrobble (optional field)
- scrubbers/default: Add more formatting elements from HTML4 / GoToSocial (acronym, bdo, big, cite, dfn, ins, kbd, q, samp, s, tt, var, wbr)
- Monitoring of search backend health to control the processing of jobs in the search indexing Oban queue
- Display reposted replies with exclude_replies: true
- Add "status" notification type
- Support honk-style attachment summaries as alt-text.
### Fixed
- Fix Emoji object IDs not always being valid
- Remove checking ImageMagick's commands for Pleroma.Upload.Filter.AnalyzeMetadata
- Ensure that StripLocation actually removes everything resembling GPS data from PNGs
- Fix authentication check on account rendering when bio is defined
- ap userview: add outbox field.
- Fix #strip_report_status_data
- Fix federation with Convergence AP Bridge
- ChatMessage: Tolerate attachment field set to an empty array
- Config: Check the permissions of the linked file instead of the symlink
- MediaProxy was setting the content-length header which is not permitted by RFC9112§6.2 when we are chunking the reply as it conflicts with the existence of the transfer-encoding header.
- Restore Cowboy's ability to stream MediaProxy responses without Chunked encoding.
- Fix the processing of email digest jobs.
- Client application data was always missing from the status
- Elixir 1.15 compatibility
- When downloading remote emojis packs, account for pagination
- Make remote emoji packs API use specifically the V1 URL. Akkoma does not understand it without V1, and it works either way with normal pleroma, so no reason to not do this
- Following HTTP Redirects when the HTTP Adapter is Finch
- Video framegrabs were not working correctly after the change to use Exile to execute ffmpeg
- Deactivated groups would still try to repeat a post.
- Fix logic error in Gun connection pooling which prevented retries even when the worker was launched with retry = true
- Connection pool errors when publishing an activity is a soft-error that will be retried shortly.
- Gun Connection Pool was not retrying to acquire a connection if the pool was full and stale connections were reclaimed
- TwitterAPI: Return proper error when healthcheck is disabled
- Handle cases when users.inbox is nil.
- Fix LDAP support
- Use correct domain for fqn and InstanceView
- The query for marking notifications as read has been simplified
- Mastodon API /api/v1/directory: Fix listing directory contents when not authenticated
- Ensure MediaProxy HTTP requests obey all the defined connection settings
- Fix a memory leak caused by Websocket connections that would not enter a state where a full garbage collection run could be triggered.
- Fix OpenGraph and Twitter metadata providers when parsing objects with no content or summary fields.
- MRF: Log sensible error for subdomains_regex
- MRF.StealEmojiPolicy: Properly add fallback extension to filenames missing one
- Federated timeline removal of hashtags via MRF HashtagPolicy
- Support objects with a null contentMap (firefish)
- Fix notifications query which was not using the index properly
- Notifications: improve performance by filtering on users table instead of activities table
- Prevent Rich Media backfill jobs from retrying in cases where it is likely they will fail again.
- Oban Jobs for refreshing users were not respecting the uniqueness setting
- Fix Optimistic Inbox for failed signatures
- MediaProxy Preview failures prevented when encountering certain video files
- pleroma_ctl: Use realpath(1) instead of readlink(1)
- ReceiverWorker: Make sure non-{:ok, _} is returned as {:error, …}
- Harden Rich Media parsing against very slow or malicious URLs
- Rich Media Preview cache eviction when the activity is updated.
- Parsing of RichMedia TTLs for Amazon URLs when query parameters are nil
- End of poll notifications were not streamed over websockets or web push
- Fix eblurhash and elixir-captcha not using system cflags
- Video thumbnails were not being generated due to a negative cache lookup logic error
- Fix web push notifications not successfully delivering
- Web Push notifications are no longer generated for muted/blocked threads and users.
- Fix validate_webfinger when running a different domain for Webfinger
### Removed
- Mastodon API: Remove deprecated GET /api/v1/statuses/:id/card endpoint
- Removed support for multiple federator modules as we only support ActivityPub
## 2.6.2
### Security
- MRF StealEmojiPolicy: Sanitize shortcodes (thanks to Hazel K for the report
## 2.6.1
### Changed
- - Document maximum supported version of Erlang & Elixir
### Added
- [docs] add frontends management documentation
### Fixed
- TwitterAPI: Return proper error when healthcheck is disabled
- Fix eblurhash and elixir-captcha not using system cflags
## 2.6.0
### Security
- Preload: Make generated JSON html-safe. It already was html safe because it only consists of config data that is base64 encoded, but this will keep it safe it that ever changes.
- CommonAPI: Prevent users from accessing media of other users by creating a status with reused attachment ID
- Disable XML entity resolution completely to fix a dos vulnerability
### Added
- Support for Image activities, namely from Hubzilla
- Add OAuth scope descriptions
- Allow lang attribute in status text
- OnlyMedia Upload Filter
- Implement MRF policy to reject or delist according to emojis
- (hardening) Add no_new_privs=yes to OpenRC service files
- Implement quotes
- Add unified streaming endpoint
### Fixed
- rel="me" was missing its cache
- MediaProxy responses now return a sandbox CSP header
- Filter context activities using Visibility.visible_for_user?
- UploadedMedia: Add missing disposition_type to Content-Disposition
- fix not being able to fetch flash file from remote instance
- Fix abnormal behaviour when refetching a poll
- Allow non-HTTP(s) URIs in "url" fields for compatibility with "FEP-fffd: Proxy Objects"
- Fix opengraph and twitter card meta tags
- ForceMentionsInContent: fix double mentions for Mastodon/Misskey posts
- OEmbed HTML tags are now filtered
- Restrict attachments to only uploaded files only
- Fix error 404 when deleting status of a banned user
- Fix config ownership in dockerfile to pass restriction test
- Fix user fetch completely broken if featured collection is not in a supported form
- Correctly handle the situation when a poll has both "anyOf" and "oneOf" but one of them being empty
- Fix handling report from a deactivated user
- Prevent using the .json format to bypass authorized fetch mode
- Fix mentioning punycode domains when using Markdown
- Show more informative errors when profile exceeds char limits
### Removed
- BREAKING: Support for passwords generated with `crypt(3)` (Gnu Social migration artifact)
- remove BBS/SSH feature, replaced by an external bridge.
- Remove a few unused indexes.
- Cleanup OStatus-era user upgrades and ap_enabled indicator
- Deprecate Pleroma's audio scrobbling
## 2.5.4
## Security
- Fix XML External Entity (XXE) loading vulnerability allowing to fetch arbitrary files from the server's filesystem
## 2.5.3
### Security
- Emoji pack loader sanitizes pack names
- Reduced permissions of config files and directories, distros requiring greater permissions like group-read need to pre-create the directories
## 2.5.5
## Security
- Prevent users from accessing media of other users by creating a status with reused attachment ID
## 2.5.4
## Security
- Fix XML External Entity (XXE) loading vulnerability allowing to fetch arbitrary files from the server's filesystem
## 2.5.3
### Security
- Emoji pack loader sanitizes pack names
- Reduced permissions of config files and directories, distros requiring greater permissions like group-read need to pre-create the directories
## 2.5.2
### Security
- `/proxy` endpoint now sets a Content-Security-Policy (sandbox)
- WebSocket endpoint now respects unauthenticated restrictions for streams of public posts
- OEmbed HTML tags are now filtered
### Changed
- docs: Be more explicit about the level of compatibility of OTP releases
- Set default background worker timeout to 15 minutes
### Fixed
- Atom/RSS formatting (HTML truncation, published, missing summary)
- Remove `static_fe` pipeline for `/users/:nickname/feed`
- Stop oban from retrying if validating errors occur when processing incoming data
- Make sure object refetching as used by already received polls follows MRF rules
### Removed
- BREAKING: Support for passwords generated with `crypt(3)` (Gnu Social migration artifact)
## 2.5.1
### Added
- Allow customizing instance languages
### Fixed
- Security: uploading HTTP endpoint can no longer create directories in the upload dir (internal APIs, like backup, still can do it.)
- ~ character in urls in Markdown posts are handled properly
- Exiftool upload filter will now ignore SVG files
- Fix `block_from_stranger` setting
- Fix rel="me"
- Docker images will now run properly
- Fix improper content being cached in report content
- Notification filter on object content will not operate on the ones that inherently have no content
- ZWNJ and double dots in links are parsed properly for Plain-text posts
- OTP releases will work on systems with a newer libcrypt
- Errors when running Exiftool.ReadDescription filter will not be filled into the image description
## 2.5.0 - 2022-12-23
### Removed
- MastoFE
- Quack, the logging backend that pushes to Slack channels
### Changed
- **Breaking:** Elixir >=1.11 is now required (was >= 1.9)
- Allow users to remove their emails if instance does not need email to register
- Uploadfilter `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool` has been renamed to `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool.StripLocation`
- **Breaking**: `/api/v1/pleroma/backups` endpoints now requires `read:backups` scope instead of `read:accounts`
- Updated the recommended pleroma.vcl configuration for Varnish to target Varnish 7.0+
- Set timeout values for Oban queues. The default is infinity and some operations may not time out on their own.
- Delete activities are federated at lowest priority
- CSP now includes wasm-unsafe-eval
### Added
- `activeMonth` and `activeHalfyear` fields in NodeInfo usage.users object
- Experimental support for Finch. Put `config :tesla, :adapter, {Tesla.Adapter.Finch, name: MyFinch}` in your secrets file to use it. Reverse Proxy will still use Hackney.
- `ForceMentionsInPostContent` MRF policy
- PleromaAPI: Add remote follow API endpoint at `POST /api/v1/pleroma/remote_interaction`
- MastoAPI: Add `GET /api/v1/accounts/lookup`
- MastoAPI: Profile Directory support
- MastoAPI: Support v2 Suggestions (handpicked accounts only)
- Ability to log slow Ecto queries by configuring `:pleroma, :telemetry, :slow_queries_logging`
- Added Phoenix LiveDashboard at `/phoenix/live_dashboard`
- Added `/manifest.json` for progressive web apps.
- MastoAPI: Support for `birthday` and `show_birthday` field in `/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials`.
- Configuration: Add `birthday_required` and `birthday_min_age` settings to provide a way to require users to enter their birth date.
- PleromaAPI: Add `GET /api/v1/pleroma/birthdays` API endpoint
- Make backend-rendered pages translatable. This includes emails. Pages returned as a HTTP response are translated using the language specified in the `userLanguage` cookie, or the `Accept-Language` header. Emails are translated using the `language` field when registering. This language can be changed by `PATCH /api/v1/accounts/update_credentials` with the `language` field.
- Add fine grained options to provide privileges to moderators and admins (e.g. delete messages, manage reports...)
- Uploadfilter `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool.ReadDescription` returns description values to the FE so they can pre fill the image description field
- Added move account API
- Enable remote users to interact with posts
- Possibility to discover users like ``, while Pleroma is working on ``. Additional configuration required.
### Fixed
- Subscription(Bell) Notifications: Don't create from Pipeline Ingested replies
- Handle Reject for already-accepted Follows properly
- Display OpenGraph data on alternative notice routes.
- Fix replies count for remote replies
- Fixed hashtags disappearing from the end of lines when Markdown is enabled
- ChatAPI: Add link headers
- Limited number of search results to 40 to prevent DoS attacks
- ActivityPub: fixed federation of attachment dimensions
- Fixed benchmarks
- Elixir 1.13 support
- Fixed crash when pinned_objects is nil
- Fixed slow timelines when there are a lot of deactivated users
- Fixed account deletion API
- Fixed lowercase HTTP HEAD method in the Media Proxy Preview code
- Removed useless notification call on Delete activities
- Improved performance for filtering out deactivated and invisible users
- RSS and Atom feeds for users work again
- TwitterCard meta tags conformance
## 2.4.5 - 2022-11-27
## Fixed
- Image `class` attributes not being scrubbed, allowing to exploit frontend special classes [!3792](
- Delete report notifs when demoting from superuser [!3642](
- Validate `mediaType` only by it's format rather than using a list [!3597](
- Pagination: Make mutes and blocks lists behave the same as other lists [!3693](
- Compatibility with Elixir 1.14 [!3740](
- Frontend installer: FediFE build URL [!3736](
- Streaming: Don't stream ChatMessage into the home timeline [!3738](
- Streaming: Stream local-only posts in the local timeline [!3738](
- Signatures: Fix `keyId` lookup for GoToSocial [!3725](
- Validator: Fix `replies` handling for GoToSocial [!3725](
## 2.4.4 - 2022-08-19
### Security
- Streaming API sessions will now properly disconnect if the corresponding token is revoked
## 2.4.3 - 2022-05-06
### Security
- Private `/objects/` and `/activities/` leaking if cached by authenticated user
- SweetXML library DTD bomb
## 2.4.2 - 2022-01-10
### Fixed
- Federation issues caused by HTTP pool checkout timeouts
- Compatibility with Elixir 1.13
### Upgrade notes
1. Restart Pleroma
## 2.4.1 - 2021-08-29
### Changed
- Make `mix pleroma.database set_text_search_config` run concurrently and indefinitely
### Added
- AdminAPI: Missing configuration description for StealEmojiPolicy
### Fixed
- MastodonAPI: Stream out Create activities
- MRF ObjectAgePolicy: Fix pattern matching on "published"
- TwitterAPI: Make `change_password` and `change_email` require params on body instead of query
- Subscription(Bell) Notifications: Don't create from Pipeline Ingested replies
- AdminAPI: Fix rendering reports containing a `nil` object
- Mastodon API: Activity Search fallbacks on status fetching after a DB Timeout/Error
- Mastodon API: Fix crash in Streamer related to reblogging
- AdminAPI: List available frontends when `static/frontends` folder is missing
- Make activity search properly use language-aware GIN indexes
- AdminAPI: Fix suggestions for MRF Policies
## 2.4.0 - 2021-08-08
### Changed
- **Breaking:** Configuration: `:chat, enabled` moved to `:shout, enabled` and `:instance, chat_limit` moved to `:shout, limit`
- **Breaking** Entries for simple_policy, transparency_exclusions and quarantined_instances now list both the instance and a reason.
- Support for Erlang/OTP 24
- The `application` metadata returned with statuses is no longer hardcoded. Apps that want to display these details will now have valid data for new posts after this change.
- HTTPSecurityPlug now sends a response header to opt out of Google's FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts) targeted advertising.
- Email address is now returned if requesting user is the owner of the user account so it can be exposed in client and FE user settings UIs.
- Improved Twittercard and OpenGraph meta tag generation including thumbnails and image dimension metadata when available.
- AdminAPI: sort users so the newest are at the top.
- ActivityPub Client-to-Server(C2S): Limitation on the type of Activity/Object are lifted as they are now passed through ObjectValidators
- MRF (`AntiFollowbotPolicy`): Bot accounts are now also considered followbots. Users can still allow bots to follow them by first following the bot.
### Added
- MRF (`FollowBotPolicy`): New MRF Policy which makes a designated local Bot account attempt to follow all users in public Notes received by your instance. Users who require approving follower requests or have #nobot in their profile are excluded.
- Return OAuth token `id` (primary key) in POST `/oauth/token`.
- AdminAPI: return `created_at` date with users.
- AdminAPI: add DELETE `/api/v1/pleroma/admin/instances/:instance` to delete all content from a remote instance.
- `AnalyzeMetadata` upload filter for extracting image/video attachment dimensions and generating blurhashes for images. Blurhashes for videos are not generated at this time.
- Attachment dimensions and blurhashes are federated when available.
- Mastodon API: support `poll` notification.
- Pinned posts federation
### Fixed
- Don't crash so hard when email settings are invalid.
- Checking activated Upload Filters for required commands.
- Remote users can no longer reappear after being deleted.
- Deactivated users may now be deleted.
- Deleting an activity with a lot of likes/boosts no longer causes a database timeout.
- Mix task `pleroma.database prune_objects`
- Fixed rendering of JSON errors on ActivityPub endpoints.
- Linkify: Parsing crash with URLs ending in unbalanced closed paren, no path separator, and no query parameters
- Try to save exported ConfigDB settings (migrate_from_db) in the system temp directory if default location is not writable.
- Uploading custom instance thumbnail via AdminAPI/AdminFE generated invalid URL to the image
- Applying ConcurrentLimiter settings via AdminAPI
- User login failures if their `notification_settings` were in a NULL state.
- Mix task `pleroma.user delete_activities` query transaction timeout is now :infinity
- MRF (`SimplePolicy`): Embedded objects are now checked. If any embedded object would be rejected, its parent is rejected. This fixes Announces leaking posts from blocked domains.
- Fixed some Markdown issues, including trailing slash in links.
### Removed
- **Breaking**: Remove deprecated `/api/qvitter/statuses/notifications/read` (replaced by `/api/v1/pleroma/notifications/read`)
## [2.3.0] - 2021-03-01
### Security
- Fixed client user agent leaking through MediaProxy
### Removed
- `:auth, :enforce_oauth_admin_scope_usage` configuration option.
### Changed
- **Breaking**: Changed `mix pleroma.user toggle_confirmed` to `mix pleroma.user confirm`
- **Breaking**: Changed `mix pleroma.user toggle_activated` to `mix pleroma.user activate/deactivate`
- **Breaking:** NSFW hashtag is no longer added on sensitive posts
- Polls now always return a `voters_count`, even if they are single-choice.
- Admin Emails: The ap id is used as the user link in emails now.
- Improved registration workflow for email confirmation and account approval modes.
- Search: When using Postgres 11+, Pleroma will use the `websearch_to_tsvector` function to parse search queries.
- Emoji: Support the full Unicode 13.1 set of Emoji for reactions, plus regional indicators.
- Deprecated `Pleroma.Uploaders.S3, :public_endpoint`. Now `Pleroma.Upload, :base_url` is the standard configuration key for all uploaders.
- Improved Apache webserver support: updated sample configuration, MediaProxy cache invalidation verified with the included sample script
- Improve OAuth 2.0 provider support. A missing `fqn` field was added to the response, but does not expose the user's email address.
- Provide redirect of external posts from `/notice/:id` to their original URL
- Admins no longer receive notifications for reports if they are the actor making the report.
- Improved Mailer configuration setting descriptions for AdminFE.
- Updated default avatar to look nicer.
<summary>API Changes</summary>
- **Breaking:** AdminAPI changed User field `confirmation_pending` to `is_confirmed`
- **Breaking:** AdminAPI changed User field `approval_pending` to `is_approved`
- **Breaking**: AdminAPI changed User field `deactivated` to `is_active`
- **Breaking:** AdminAPI `GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname_or_id/statuses` changed response format and added the number of total users posts.
- **Breaking:** AdminAPI `GET /api/pleroma/admin/instances/:instance/statuses` changed response format and added the number of total users posts.
- Admin API: Reports now ordered by newest
- Pleroma API: `GET /api/v1/pleroma/chats` is deprecated in favor of `GET /api/v2/pleroma/chats`.
- Pleroma API: Reroute `/api/pleroma/*` to `/api/v1/pleroma/*`
- Improved hashtag timeline performance (requires a background migration).
### Added
- Reports now generate notifications for admins and mods.
- Support for local-only statuses.
- Support pagination of blocks and mutes.
- Account backup.
- Configuration: Add `:instance, autofollowing_nicknames` setting to provide a way to make accounts automatically follow new users that register on the local Pleroma instance.
- `[:activitypub, :blockers_visible]` config to control visibility of blockers.
- Ability to view remote timelines, with ex. `/api/v1/timelines/public?` and streams `public:remote` and `public:remote:media`.
- The site title is now injected as a `title` tag like preloads or metadata.
- Password reset tokens now are not accepted after a certain age.
- Mix tasks to help with displaying and removing ConfigDB entries. See `mix pleroma.config`.
- OAuth form improvements: users are remembered by their cookie, the CSS is overridable by the admin, and the style has been improved.
- OAuth improvements and fixes: more secure session-based authentication (by token that could be revoked anytime), ability to revoke belonging OAuth token from any client etc.
- Ability to set ActivityPub aliases for follower migration.
- Configurable background job limits for RichMedia (link previews) and MediaProxyWarmingPolicy
- Ability to define custom HTTP headers per each frontend
- MRF (`NoEmptyPolicy`): New MRF Policy which will deny empty statuses or statuses of only mentions from being created by local users
- New users will receive a simple email confirming their registration if no other emails will be dispatched. (e.g., Welcome, Confirmation, or Approval Required)
<summary>API Changes</summary>
- Admin API: (`GET /api/pleroma/admin/users`) filter users by `unconfirmed` status and `actor_type`.
- Admin API: OpenAPI spec for the user-related operations
- Pleroma API: `GET /api/v2/pleroma/chats` added. It is exactly like `GET /api/v1/pleroma/chats` except supports pagination.
- Pleroma API: Add `idempotency_key` to the chat message entity that can be used for optimistic message sending.
- Pleroma API: (`GET /api/v1/pleroma/federation_status`) Add a way to get a list of unreachable instances.
- Mastodon API: User and conversation mutes can now auto-expire if `expires_in` parameter was given while adding the mute.
- Admin API: An endpoint to manage frontends.
- Streaming API: Add follow relationships updates.
- WebPush: Introduce `pleroma:chat_mention` and `pleroma:emoji_reaction` notification types.
- Mastodon API: Add monthly active users to `/api/v1/instance` (`pleroma.stats.mau`).
- Mastodon API: Home, public, hashtag & list timelines accept `only_media`, `remote` & `local` parameters for filtration.
- Mastodon API: `/api/v1/accounts/:id` & `/api/v1/mutes` endpoints accept `with_relationships` parameter and return filled `pleroma.relationship` field.
- Mastodon API: Endpoint to remove a conversation (`DELETE /api/v1/conversations/:id`).
- Mastodon API: `expires_in` in the scheduled post `params` field on `/api/v1/statuses` and `/api/v1/scheduled_statuses/:id` endpoints.
### Fixed
- Users with `is_discoverable` field set to false (default value) will appear in in-service search results but be hidden from external services (search bots etc.).
- Streaming API: Posts and notifications are not dropped, when CLI task is executing.
- Creating incorrect IPv4 address-style HTTP links when encountering certain numbers.
- Reblog API Endpoint: Do not set visibility parameter to public by default and let CommonAPI to infer it from status, so a user can reblog their private status without explicitly setting reblog visibility to private.
- Tag URLs in statuses are now absolute
- Removed duplicate jobs to purge expired activities
- File extensions of some attachments were incorrectly changed. This feature has been disabled for now.
- Mix task pleroma.instance creates missing parent directories if the configuration or SQL output paths are changed.
<summary>API Changes</summary>
- Mastodon API: Current user is now included in conversation if it's the only participant.
- Mastodon API: Fixed last_status.account being not filled with account data.
- Mastodon API: Fix not being able to add or remove multiple users at once in lists.
- Mastodon API: Fixed own_votes being not returned with poll data.
- Mastodon API: Fixed creation of scheduled posts with polls.
- Mastodon API: Support for expires_in/expires_at in the Filters.
## [2.2.2] - 2021-01-18
### Fixed
- StealEmojiPolicy creates dir for emojis, if it doesn't exist.
- Updated `elixir_make` to a non-retired version
### Upgrade notes
1. Restart Pleroma
## [2.2.1] - 2020-12-22
### Changed
- Updated Pleroma FE
### Fixed
- Config generation: rename `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.ExifTool` to `Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool`.
- S3 Uploads with Elixir 1.11.
- Mix task pleroma.user delete_activities for source installations.
- Search: RUM index search speed has been fixed.
- Rich Media Previews sometimes showed the wrong preview due to a bug following redirects.
- Fixes for the autolinker.
- Forwarded reports duplication from Pleroma instances.
- Emoji Reaction activity filtering from blocked and muted accounts.
- <details>
- Statuses were not displayed for Mastodon forwarded reports.
### Upgrade notes
1. Restart Pleroma
## [2.2.0] - 2020-11-12
### Security
- Fixed the possibility of using file uploads to spoof posts.
### Changed
- **Breaking** Requires `libmagic` (or `file`) to guess file types.
- **Breaking:** App metrics endpoint (`/api/pleroma/app_metrics`) is disabled by default, check `docs/API/` on enabling and configuring.
- **Breaking:** Pleroma Admin API: emoji packs and files routes changed.
- **Breaking:** Sensitive/NSFW statuses no longer disable link previews.
- Search: Users are now findable by their urls.
- Renamed `:await_up_timeout` in `:connections_pool` namespace to `:connect_timeout`, old name is deprecated.
- Renamed `:timeout` in `pools` namespace to `:recv_timeout`, old name is deprecated.
- The `discoverable` field in the `User` struct will now add a NOINDEX metatag to profile pages when false.
- Users with the `is_discoverable` field set to false will not show up in searches ([bug](
- Minimum lifetime for ephmeral activities changed to 10 minutes and made configurable (`:min_lifetime` option).
- Introduced optional dependencies on `ffmpeg`, `ImageMagick`, `exiftool` software packages. Please refer to `docs/installation/optional/`.
- <details>
<summary>API Changes</summary>
- API: Empty parameter values for integer parameters are now ignored in non-strict validaton mode.
### Removed
- **Breaking:** `Pleroma.Workers.Cron.StatsWorker` setting from Oban `:crontab` (moved to a simpler implementation).
- **Breaking:** `Pleroma.Workers.Cron.ClearOauthTokenWorker` setting from Oban `:crontab` (moved to scheduled jobs).
- **Breaking:** `Pleroma.Workers.Cron.PurgeExpiredActivitiesWorker` setting from Oban `:crontab` (moved to scheduled jobs).
- Removed `:managed_config` option. In practice, it was accidentally removed with 2.0.0 release when frontends were
switched to a new configuration mechanism, however it was not officially removed until now.
### Added
- Media preview proxy (requires `ffmpeg` and `ImageMagick` to be installed and media proxy to be enabled; see `:media_preview_proxy` config for more details).
- Mix tasks for controlling user account confirmation status in bulk (`mix pleroma.user confirm_all` and `mix pleroma.user unconfirm_all`)
- Mix task for sending confirmation emails to all unconfirmed users (`mix resend_confirmation_emails`)
- Mix task option for force-unfollowing relays
- App metrics: ability to restrict access to specified IP whitelist.
<summary>API Changes</summary>
- Admin API: Importing emoji from a zip file
- Pleroma API: Importing the mutes users from CSV files.
- Pleroma API: Pagination for remote/local packs and emoji.
### Fixed
- Add documented-but-missing chat pagination.
- Allow sending out emails again.
- Allow sending chat messages to yourself
- OStatus / static FE endpoints: fixed inaccessibility for anonymous users on non-federating instances, switched to handling per `:restrict_unauthenticated` setting.
- Fix remote users with a whitespace name.
### Upgrade notes
1. Install libmagic and development headers (`libmagic-dev` on Ubuntu/Debian, `file-dev` on Alpine Linux)
2. Run database migrations (inside Pleroma directory):
- OTP: `./bin/pleroma_ctl migrate`
- From Source: `mix ecto.migrate`
3. Restart Pleroma
## [2.1.2] - 2020-09-17
### Security
- Fix most MRF rules either crashing or not being applied to objects passed into the Common Pipeline (ChatMessage, Question, Answer, Audio, Event).
### Fixed
- Welcome Chat messages preventing user registration with MRF Simple Policy applied to the local instance.
- Mastodon API: the public timeline returning an error when the `reply_visibility` parameter is set to `self` for an unauthenticated user.
- Mastodon Streaming API: Handler crashes on authentication failures, resulting in error logs.
- Mastodon Streaming API: Error logs on client pings.
- Rich media: Log spam on failures. Now the error is only logged once per attempt.
### Changed
- Rich Media: A HEAD request is now done to the url, to ensure it has the appropriate content type and size before proceeding with a GET.
### Upgrade notes
1. Restart Pleroma
## [2.1.1] - 2020-09-08
### Security
- Fix possible DoS in Mastodon API user search due to an error in match clauses, leading to an infinite recursion and subsequent OOM with certain inputs.
- Fix metadata leak for accounts and statuses on private instances.
- Fix possible DoS in Admin API search using an atom leak vulnerability. Authentication with admin rights was required to exploit.
### Changed
- **Breaking:** The metadata providers RelMe and Feed are no longer configurable. RelMe should always be activated and Feed only provides a <link> header tag for the actual RSS/Atom feed when the instance is public.
- Improved error message when cmake is not available at build stage.
### Added
- Rich media failure tracking (along with `:failure_backoff` option).
<summary>Admin API Changes</summary>
- Add `PATCH /api/pleroma/admin/instance_document/:document_name` to modify the Terms of Service and Instance Panel HTML pages via Admin API
### Fixed
- Default HTTP adapter not respecting pool setting, leading to possible OOM.
- Fixed uploading webp images when the Exiftool Upload Filter is enabled by skipping them
- Mastodon API: Search parameter `following` now correctly returns the followings rather than the followers
- Mastodon API: Timelines hanging for (`number of posts with links * rich media timeout`) in the worst case.
Reduced to just rich media timeout.
- Mastodon API: Cards being wrong for preview statuses due to cache key collision.
- Password resets no longer processed for deactivated accounts.
- Favicon scraper raising exceptions on URLs longer than 255 characters.
## [2.1.0] - 2020-08-28
### Changed
- **Breaking:** The default descriptions on uploads are now empty. The old behavior (filename as default) can be configured, see the cheat sheet.
- **Breaking:** Added the ObjectAgePolicy to the default set of MRFs. This will delist and strip the follower collection of any message received that is older than 7 days. This will stop users from seeing very old messages in the timelines. The messages can still be viewed on the user's page and in conversations. They also still trigger notifications.
- **Breaking:** Elixir >=1.9 is now required (was >= 1.8)
- **Breaking:** Configuration: `:auto_linker, :opts` moved to `:pleroma, Pleroma.Formatter`. Old config namespace is deprecated.
- **Breaking:** Configuration: `:instance, welcome_user_nickname` moved to `:welcome, :direct_message, :sender_nickname`, `:instance, :welcome_message` moved to `:welcome, :direct_message, :message`. Old config namespace is deprecated.
- **Breaking:** LDAP: Fallback to local database authentication has been removed for security reasons and lack of a mechanism to ensure the passwords are synchronized when LDAP passwords are updated.
- **Breaking** Changed defaults for `:restrict_unauthenticated` so that when `:instance, :public` is set to `false` then all `:restrict_unauthenticated` items be effectively set to `true`. If you'd like to allow unauthenticated access to specific API endpoints on a private instance, please explicitly set `:restrict_unauthenticated` to non-default value in `config/prod.secret.exs`.
- In Conversations, return only direct messages as `last_status`
- Using the `only_media` filter on timelines will now exclude reblog media
- MFR policy to set global expiration for all local Create activities
- OGP rich media parser merged with TwitterCard
- Configuration: `:instance, rewrite_policy` moved to `:mrf, policies`, `:instance, :mrf_transparency` moved to `:mrf, :transparency`, `:instance, :mrf_transparency_exclusions` moved to `:mrf, :transparency_exclusions`. Old config namespace is deprecated.
- Configuration: `:media_proxy, whitelist` format changed to host with scheme (e.g. `` instead of ``). Domain format is deprecated.
<summary>API Changes</summary>
......@@ -19,26 +836,38 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
- **Breaking:** Pleroma API: The routes to update avatar, banner and background have been removed.
- **Breaking:** Image description length is limited now.
- **Breaking:** Emoji API: changed methods and renamed routes.
- **Breaking:** Notification Settings API for suppressing notifications has been simplified down to `block_from_strangers`.
- **Breaking:** Notification Settings API option for hiding push notification contents has been renamed to `hide_notification_contents`.
- MastodonAPI: Allow removal of avatar, banner and background.
- Streaming: Repeats of a user's posts will no longer be pushed to the user's stream.
- Mastodon API: Added `pleroma.metadata.fields_limits` to /api/v1/instance
- Mastodon API: On deletion, returns the original post text.
- Mastodon API: Add `pleroma.unread_count` to the Marker entity.
- Mastodon API: Added `pleroma.metadata.post_formats` to /api/v1/instance
- Mastodon API (legacy): Allow query parameters for `/api/v1/domain_blocks`, e.g. `/api/v1/domain_blocks?`
- Mastodon API: Make notifications about statuses from muted users and threads read automatically
- Pleroma API: `/api/pleroma/captcha` responses now include `seconds_valid` with an integer value.
<summary>Admin API Changes</summary>
- **Breaking** Changed relay `/api/pleroma/admin/relay` endpoints response format.
- Status visibility stats: now can return stats per instance.
- Mix task to refresh counter cache (`mix pleroma.refresh_counter_cache`)
### Removed
- **Breaking:** removed `with_move` parameter from notifications timeline.
### Added
- Frontends: Add mix task to install frontends.
- Frontends: Add configurable frontends for primary and admin fe.
- Configuration: Added a blacklist for email servers.
- Chats: Added `accepts_chat_messages` field to user, exposed in APIs and federation.
- Chats: Added support for federated chats. For details, see the docs.
- ActivityPub: Added support for existing AP ids for instances migrated from Mastodon.
......@@ -57,10 +886,15 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
- MRF (`EmojiStealPolicy`): New MRF Policy which allows to automatically download emojis from remote instances
- Support pagination in emoji packs API (for packs and for files in pack)
- Support for viewing instances favicons next to posts and accounts
- Added Pleroma.Upload.Filter.Exiftool as an alternate EXIF stripping mechanism targeting GPS/location metadata.
- "By approval" registrations mode.
- Configuration: Added `:welcome` settings for the welcome message to newly registered users. You can send a welcome message as a direct message, chat or email.
- Ability to hide favourites and emoji reactions in the API with `[:instance, :show_reactions]` config.
<summary>API Changes</summary>
- Mastodon API: Add pleroma.parents_visible field to statuses.
- Mastodon API: Add pleroma.parent_visible field to statuses.
- Mastodon API: Extended `/api/v1/instance`.
- Mastodon API: Support for `include_types` in `/api/v1/notifications`.
- Mastodon API: Added `/api/v1/notifications/:id/dismiss` endpoint.
......@@ -74,6 +908,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
### Fixed
- Fix list pagination and other list issues.
- Support pagination in conversations API
- **Breaking**: SimplePolicy `:reject` and `:accept` allow deletions again
- Fix follower/blocks import when nicknames starts with @
......@@ -85,12 +920,83 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
- Admin API: fix `GET /api/pleroma/admin/users/:nickname/credentials` returning 404 when getting the credentials of a remote user while `:instance, :limit_to_local_content` is set to `:unauthenticated`
- Fix CSP policy generation to include remote Captcha services
- Fix edge case where MediaProxy truncates media, usually caused when Caddy is serving content for the other Federated instance.
- Emoji Packs could not be listed when instance was set to `public: false`
- Fix whole_word always returning false on filter get requests
- Migrations not working on OTP releases if the database was connected over ssl
- Fix relay following
## [2.0.7] - 2020-06-13
### Security
- Fix potential DoSes exploiting atom leaks in rich media parser and the `UserAllowListPolicy` MRF policy
### Fixed
- CSP: not allowing images/media from every host when mediaproxy is disabled
- CSP: not adding mediaproxy base url to image/media hosts
- StaticFE missing the CSS file
### Upgrade notes
1. Restart Pleroma
## [Unreleased (patch)]
## [2.0.6] - 2020-06-09
### Security
- CSP: harden `image-src` and `media-src` when MediaProxy is used
### Fixed
- AP C2S: Fix pagination in inbox/outbox
- Various compilation errors on OTP 23
- Mastodon API streaming: Repeats from muted threads not being filtered
### Changed
- Various database performance improvements
### Upgrade notes
1. Run database migrations (inside Pleroma directory):
- OTP: `./bin/pleroma_ctl migrate`
- From Source: `mix ecto.migrate`
2. Restart Pleroma
## [2.0.5] - 2020-05-13
### Security
- Fix possible private status leaks in Mastodon Streaming API
### Fixed
- Crashes when trying to block a user if block federation is disabled
- Not being able to start the instance without `erlang-eldap` installed
- Users with bios over the limit getting rejected
- Follower counters not being updated on incoming follow accepts
### Upgrade notes
1. Restart Pleroma
## [2.0.4] - 2020-05-10
### Security
- AP C2S: Fix a potential DoS by creating nonsensical objects that break timelines
### Fixed
- Peertube user lookups not working
- `InsertSkeletonsForDeletedUsers` migration failing on some instances
- Healthcheck reporting the number of memory currently used, rather than allocated in total
- `InsertSkeletonsForDeletedUsers` failing on some instances
- LDAP not being usable in OTP releases
- Default apache configuration having tls chain issues
### Upgrade notes
#### Apache only
1. Remove the following line from your config:
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/${servername}/cert.pem
#### Everyone
1. Restart Pleroma
## [2.0.3] - 2020-05-02
......@@ -148,9 +1054,10 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
- Static-FE: Fix remote posts not being sanitized
### Fixed
- Rate limiter crashes when there is no explicitly specified ip in the config
- 500 errors when no `Accept` header is present if Static-FE is enabled
- Instance panel not being updated immediately due to wrong `Cache-Control` headers
- Statuses posted with BBCode/Markdown having unncessary newlines in Pleroma-FE
- Statuses posted with BBCode/Markdown having unnecessary newlines in Pleroma-FE
- OTP: Fix some settings not being migrated to in-database config properly
- No `Cache-Control` headers on attachment/media proxy requests
- Character limit enforcement being off by 1
......@@ -181,6 +1088,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
- **Breaking**: Using third party engines for user recommendation
<summary>API Changes</summary>
- **Breaking**: AdminAPI: migrate_from_db endpoint
......@@ -469,10 +1377,10 @@ curl -Lo ./bin/pleroma_ctl '
- Reverse Proxy limiting `max_body_length` was incorrectly defined and only checked `Content-Length` headers which may not be sufficient in some circumstances
### Added
- Expiring/ephemeral activites. All activities can have expires_at value set, which controls when they should be deleted automatically.
- Expiring/ephemeral activities. All activities can have expires_at value set, which controls when they should be deleted automatically.
- Mastodon API: in post_status, the expires_in parameter lets you set the number of seconds until an activity expires. It must be at least one hour.
- Mastodon API: all status JSON responses contain a `pleroma.expires_at` item which states when an activity will expire. The value is only shown to the user who created the activity. To everyone else it's empty.
- Configuration: `ActivityExpiration.enabled` controls whether expired activites will get deleted at the appropriate time. Enabled by default.
- Configuration: `ActivityExpiration.enabled` controls whether expired activities will get deleted at the appropriate time. Enabled by default.
- Conversations: Add Pleroma-specific conversation endpoints and status posting extensions. Run the `bump_all_conversations` task again to create the necessary data.
- MRF: Support for priming the mediaproxy cache (`Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.MediaProxyWarmingPolicy`)
- MRF: Support for excluding specific domains from Transparency.
Unless otherwise stated this repository is copyright © 2017-2020
Unless otherwise stated this repository is copyright © 2017-2022
Pleroma Authors <>, and is distributed under
The GNU Affero General Public License Version 3, you should have received a
copy of the license file as AGPL-3.
Files inside docs directory are copyright © 2022 Pleroma Authors
<>, and are distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International license, you should have received
a copy of the license file as CC-BY-4.0.
The following files are copyright © 2019, and are distributed
under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license,
you should have received a copy of the license file as CC-BY-SA-4.0.
......@@ -23,7 +30,7 @@ priv/static/images/pleroma-fox-tan-shy.png
The following files are copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
The following files are copyright © 2017-2022 Pleroma Authors
<>, and are distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license, you should have received
a copy of the license file as CC-BY-SA-4.0.
FROM elixir:1.9-alpine as build
ARG ELIXIR_IMG=hexpm/elixir
FROM ${ELIXIR_IMG}:${ELIXIR_VER}-erlang-${ERLANG_VER}-alpine-${ALPINE_VER} as build
COPY . .
RUN apk add git gcc g++ musl-dev make &&\
echo "import Mix.Config" > config/prod.secret.exs &&\
RUN apk add git gcc g++ musl-dev make cmake file-dev vips-dev &&\
echo "import Config" > config/prod.secret.exs &&\
mix local.hex --force &&\
mix local.rebar --force &&\
mix deps.get --only prod &&\
mkdir release &&\
mix release --path release
FROM alpine:3.11
......@@ -31,9 +38,8 @@ LABEL maintainer="" \
ARG HOME=/opt/pleroma
ARG DATA=/var/lib/pleroma
RUN echo "" >> /etc/apk/repositories &&\
apk update &&\
apk add imagemagick ncurses postgresql-client &&\
RUN apk update &&\
apk add exiftool ffmpeg vips libmagic ncurses postgresql-client &&\
adduser --system --shell /bin/false --home ${HOME} pleroma &&\
mkdir -p ${DATA}/uploads &&\
mkdir -p ${DATA}/static &&\
......@@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ USER pleroma
COPY --from=build --chown=pleroma:0 /release ${HOME}
COPY ./config/docker.exs /etc/pleroma/config.exs
COPY --chown=pleroma --chmod=640 ./config/docker.exs /etc/pleroma/config.exs
......@@ -18,22 +18,27 @@ If you are running Linux (glibc or musl) on x86/arm, the recommended way to inst
### From Source
If your platform is not supported, or you just want to be able to edit the source code easily, you may install Pleroma from source.
- [Debian-based](
- [Debian-based (jp)](
- [Alpine Linux](
- [Arch Linux](
- [CentOS 7](
- [Debian-based](
- [Debian-based (jp)](
- [FreeBSD](
- [Gentoo Linux](
- [NetBSD](
- [OpenBSD](
- [OpenBSD (fi)](
- [CentOS 7](
### OS/Distro packages
Currently Pleroma is not packaged by any OS/Distros, but if you want to package it for one, we can guide you through the process on our [community channels](#community-channels). If you want to change default options in your Pleroma package, please **discuss it with us first**.
Currently Pleroma is packaged for [YunoHost](, [NixOS](, [Gentoo through GURU]( and [Archlinux through AUR]( You may find more at <>.
If you want to package Pleroma for any OS/Distros, we can guide you through the process on our [community channels](#community-channels). If you want to change default options in your Pleroma package, please **discuss it with us first**.
### Docker
While we don’t provide docker files, other people have written very good ones. Take a look at <> or <>.
### Raspberry Pi
Community maintained Raspberry Pi image that you can flash and run Pleroma on your Raspberry Pi. Available here <>.
### Compilation Troubleshooting
If you ever encounter compilation issues during the updating of Pleroma, you can try these commands and see if they fix things:
......@@ -49,5 +54,5 @@ If you are not developing Pleroma, it is better to use the OTP release, which co
- Latest Git revision: <>
## Community Channels
* IRC: **#pleroma** and **#pleroma-dev** on freenode, webchat is available at <>
* Matrix: <> and <>
* IRC: **#pleroma** and **#pleroma-dev** on, webchat is available at <>
* Matrix: []( and [](
# Pleroma backend security policy
## Supported versions
Currently, Pleroma offers bugfixes and security patches only for the latest minor release.
| Version | Support
|---------| --------
| 2.2 | Bugfixes and security patches
## Reporting a vulnerability
Please use confidential issues (tick the "This issue is confidential and should only be visible to team members with at least Reporter access." box when submitting) at our [bugtracker]( for reporting vulnerabilities.
## Announcements
New releases are announced at []( All security releases are tagged with ["Security"]( You can be notified of them by subscribing to an Atom feed at <>.
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ defp insert_activity(:attachment, visibility, group, users, _opts) do
"url" => [
"href" =>
"mediaType" => "image/jpeg",
"type" => "Link"
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ defp get_actor(group, users), do: Enum.random(users[group])
defp other_data(actor, content) do
%{host: host} = URI.parse(actor.ap_id)
datetime = DateTime.utc_now()
datetime = DateTime.utc_now() |> to_string()
context_id = "https://#{host}/contexts/#{UUID.generate()}"
activity_id = "https://#{host}/activities/#{UUID.generate()}"
object_id = "https://#{host}/objects/#{UUID.generate()}"
......@@ -33,10 +33,11 @@ defp fetch_user(user) do
defp create_filter(user) do
phrase: "must be filtered",
hide: true
hide: true,
context: ["home"]
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ defp generate_user(i) do
name: "Test テスト User #{i}",
email: "user#{i}",
nickname: "nick#{i}",
password_hash: Pbkdf2.hash_pwd_salt("test"),
password_hash: Pleroma.Password.Pbkdf2.hash_pwd_salt("test"),
bio: "Tester Number #{i}",
local: !remote
......@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ def make_friends(main_user, max) when is_integer(max) do
def make_friends(%User{} = main_user, %User{} = user) do
{:ok, _} = User.follow(main_user, user)
{:ok, _} = User.follow(user, main_user)
{:ok, _, _} = User.follow(main_user, user)
{:ok, _, _} = User.follow(user, main_user)
@spec get_users(User.t(), keyword()) :: [User.t()]