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    // The Vue build version to load with the `import` command
    // (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias.
    import Vue from 'vue';
    import App from './App';
    import router from './router';
    import store from './store';
    import ElementUI from 'element-ui';
    import 'element-ui/lib/theme-default/index.css';
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    import 'assets/custom-theme/index.css'; // 换肤版本element-ui css
    import NProgress from 'nprogress'; // Progress 进度条
    import 'nprogress/nprogress.css';// Progress 进度条 样式
    import 'normalize.css/normalize.css';// normalize.css 样式格式化
    import 'styles/index.scss'; // 全局自定义的css样式
    import 'components/Icon-svg/index'; // 封装的svg组件
    import 'assets/iconfont/iconfont'; // iconfont 具体图标见
    import * as filters from './filters'; // 全局vue filter
    import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect';// 使用的一个多选框组件,element-ui的select不能满足所有需求
    import 'vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css';// 多选框组件css
    import Sticky from 'components/Sticky'; // 粘性header组件
    import vueWaves from './directive/waves';// 水波纹指令
    import errLog from 'store/errLog';// error log组件
    import './mock/index.js';  // 该项目所有请求使用mockjs模拟
    Pan's avatar
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    // register globally
    Vue.component('multiselect', Multiselect);
    Vue.component('Sticky', Sticky);
    // register global utility filters.
    Object.keys(filters).forEach(key => {
      Vue.filter(key, filters[key])
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    // permissiom judge
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    function hasPermission(roles, permissionRoles) {
    Pan's avatar
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      if (roles.indexOf('admin') >= 0) return true; // admin权限 直接通过
    Pan's avatar
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      if (!permissionRoles) return true;
    Pan's avatar
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      return roles.some(role => permissionRoles.indexOf(role) >= 0)
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    // register global progress.
    const whiteList = ['/login', '/authredirect', '/reset', '/sendpwd'];// 不重定向白名单
    router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
    Pan's avatar
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      NProgress.start(); // 开启Progress
      if (store.getters.token) { // 判断是否有token
    Pan's avatar
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        if (to.path === '/login') {
          next({ path: '/' });
        } else {
    Pan's avatar
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          if (store.getters.roles.length === 0) { // 判断当前用户是否已拉取完user_info信息
            store.dispatch('GetInfo').then(res => { // 拉取user_info
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
              const roles =;
              store.dispatch('GenerateRoutes', { roles }).then(() => { // 生成可访问的路由表
                router.addRoutes(store.getters.addRouters) // 动态添加可访问路由表
    Pan's avatar
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                next(to.path); // hack方法 确保addRoutes已完成
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
            }).catch(err => {
          } else {
            // 没有动态改变权限的需求可直接next() 删除下方权限判断 ↓
            if (hasPermission(store.getters.roles, to.meta.role)) {
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
            } else {
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
              next({ path: '/401', query: { noGoBack: true } });
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
            // 可删 ↑
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
      } else {
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
        if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path) !== -1) { // 在免登录白名单,直接进入
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
        } else {
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
          next('/login'); // 否则全部重定向到登录页
          NProgress.done(); // 在hash模式下 改变手动改变hash 重定向回来 不会触发afterEach 暂时hack方案 ps:history模式下无问题,可删除该行!
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    router.afterEach(() => {
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
      NProgress.done(); // 结束Progress
    Pan's avatar
    Pan committed
    // window.onunhandledrejection = e => {
    //     console.log('unhandled', e.reason, e.promise);
    //     e.preventDefault()
    // };
    // 生产环境错误日志
    if (process.env === 'production') {
      Vue.config.errorHandler = function(err, vm) {
        console.log(err, window.location.href);
          url: window.location.href,
    // window.onerror = function (msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) {
    //     console.log('window')
    // };
    // console.error = (function (origin) {
    //     return function (errorlog) {
    //         // handler();//基于业务的日志记录及数据报错
    //         console.log('console'+errorlog)
    //, errorlog);
    //     }
    // })(console.error);
    new Vue({
      render: h => h(App)