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Unverified Commit 4fc25241 authored by 花裤衩's avatar 花裤衩 Committed by GitHub
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refactor example demo (#713)

* refactor: Adjust the example directory structure

* perf form demo

* refine editor-slide-upload css

* refine demo
parent 63278691
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 370 additions and 205 deletions
......@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ export function fetchList(query) {
export function fetchArticle() {
export function fetchArticle(id) {
return request({
url: '/article/detail',
method: 'get'
method: 'get',
params: { id }
......@@ -87,9 +87,10 @@ export default {
<style rel="stylesheet/scss" lang="scss" scoped>
.upload-container {
.editor-slide-upload {
margin-bottom: 20px;
.editor-slide-upload {
margin-bottom: 20px;
/deep/ .el-upload--picture-card {
width: 100%;
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg t="1525760397212" class="icon" style="" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="2919" xmlns:xlink="" width="200" height="200"><defs><style type="text/css"></style></defs><path d="M860 504c-19.9 0-36 16.1-36 36 0 1.4 0.1 2.7 0.2 4h-0.2v344H136V200h376c19.9 0 36-16.1 36-36s-16.1-36-36-36H136c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72v688c0 39.8 32.2 72 72 72h688c39.8 0 72-32.2 72-72V544h-0.2c0.1-1.3 0.2-2.6 0.2-4 0-19.9-16.1-36-36-36z" p-id="2920"></path><path d="M1002.7 100.3L923.4 21c-28.1-28.1-73.9-27.9-102 0.2L424.2 418.4c-2.9 2.9-5.2 6.4-6.8 10.2L317.6 664c-5.6 13.2-1.7 26.5 6.8 35.1 8.5 8.6 21.9 12.5 35.2 6.9l235.5-99.7c3.8-1.6 7.2-3.9 10.2-6.8l397.2-397.2c28.1-28.1 28.3-73.9 0.2-102zM559.8 543l-137.4 58.2 58.2-137.4L759.4 185l79.2 79.2L559.8 543z m391.7-391.7l-62 62-79.2-79.2 62-62 0.2-0.2 79.2 79.2-0.2 0.2z" p-id="2921"></path></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg t="1525761666409" class="icon" style="" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="10880" xmlns:xlink="" width="200" height="200"><defs><style type="text/css"></style></defs><path d="M107.2 212.8m-67.2 0a4.2 4.2 0 1 0 134.4 0 4.2 4.2 0 1 0-134.4 0Z" p-id="10881"></path><path d="M980.8 145.6 297.6 145.6c-9.6 0-16 8-16 16l0 102.4c0 9.6 8 16 16 16l683.2 0c9.6 0 16-8 16-16l0-102.4C996.8 152 988.8 145.6 980.8 145.6z" p-id="10882"></path><path d="M96 497.6m-67.2 0a4.2 4.2 0 1 0 134.4 0 4.2 4.2 0 1 0-134.4 0Z" p-id="10883"></path><path d="M968 430.4 284.8 430.4c-9.6 0-16 8-16 16l0 102.4c0 9.6 8 16 16 16l683.2 0c9.6 0 16-8 16-16l0-102.4C984 438.4 977.6 430.4 968 430.4z" p-id="10884"></path><path d="M96 795.2m-67.2 0a4.2 4.2 0 1 0 134.4 0 4.2 4.2 0 1 0-134.4 0Z" p-id="10885"></path><path d="M968 728 284.8 728c-9.6 0-16 8-16 16l0 102.4c0 9.6 8 16 16 16l683.2 0c9.6 0 16-8 16-16l0-102.4C984 736 977.6 728 968 728z" p-id="10886"></path></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ export default {
customTreeTable: 'Custom TreeTable',
tab: 'Tab',
form: 'Form',
createForm: 'Create Form',
editForm: 'Edit Form',
createArticle: 'Create Article',
editArticle: 'Edit Article',
articleList: 'Article List',
errorPages: 'Error Pages',
page401: '401',
page404: '404',
......@@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ export default {
customTreeTable: '自定义树表',
tab: 'Tab',
form: '表单',
createForm: '创建表单',
editForm: '编辑表单',
createArticle: '创建文章',
editArticle: '编辑文章',
articleList: '文章列表',
errorPages: '错误页面',
page401: '401',
page404: '404',
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import { param2Obj } from '@/utils'
const List = []
const count = 100
const baseContent = '<p>我是测试数据我是测试数据</p><p><img src=""></p>'
const image_uri = ''
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
id: '@increment',
......@@ -11,12 +14,17 @@ for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
author: '@first',
reviewer: '@first',
title: '@title(5, 10)',
content_short: '我是测试数据',
content: baseContent,
forecast: '@float(0, 100, 2, 2)',
importance: '@integer(1, 3)',
'type|1': ['CN', 'US', 'JP', 'EU'],
'status|1': ['published', 'draft', 'deleted'],
display_time: '@datetime',
pageviews: '@integer(300, 5000)'
comment_disabled: true,
pageviews: '@integer(300, 5000)',
platforms: ['a-platform']
......@@ -45,22 +53,14 @@ export default {
getPv: () => ({
pvData: [{ key: 'PC', pv: 1024 }, { key: 'mobile', pv: 1024 }, { key: 'ios', pv: 1024 }, { key: 'android', pv: 1024 }]
getArticle: () => ({
id: 120000000001,
author: { key: 'mockPan' },
source_name: '原创作者',
category_item: [{ key: 'global', name: '全球' }],
comment_disabled: true,
content: '<p>我是测试数据我是测试数据</p><p><img class="wscnph" src="" data-wscntype="image" data-wscnh="300" data-wscnw="400" data-mce-src=""></p>"',
content_short: '我是测试数据',
display_time: +new Date(),
image_uri: '',
platforms: ['a-platform'],
source_uri: '',
status: 'published',
tags: [],
title: 'vue-element-admin'
getArticle: (config) => {
const { id } = param2Obj(config.url)
for (const article of List) {
if ( === +id) {
return article
createArticle: () => ({
data: 'success'
......@@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ export const asyncRouterMap = [
{ path: 'tinymce', component: _import('components-demo/tinymce'), name: 'tinymce-demo', meta: { title: 'tinymce' }},
{ path: 'markdown', component: _import('components-demo/markdown'), name: 'markdown-demo', meta: { title: 'markdown' }},
{ path: 'json-editor', component: _import('components-demo/jsonEditor'), name: 'jsonEditor-demo', meta: { title: 'jsonEditor' }},
{ path: 'dnd-list', component: _import('components-demo/dndList'), name: 'dndList-demo', meta: { title: 'dndList' }},
{ path: 'splitpane', component: _import('components-demo/splitpane'), name: 'splitpane-demo', meta: { title: 'splitPane' }},
{ path: 'avatar-upload', component: _import('components-demo/avatarUpload'), name: 'avatarUpload-demo', meta: { title: 'avatarUpload' }},
{ path: 'dropzone', component: _import('components-demo/dropzone'), name: 'dropzone-demo', meta: { title: 'dropzone' }},
......@@ -136,6 +135,7 @@ export const asyncRouterMap = [
{ path: 'mixin', component: _import('components-demo/mixin'), name: 'componentMixin-demo', meta: { title: 'componentMixin' }},
{ path: 'back-to-top', component: _import('components-demo/backToTop'), name: 'backToTop-demo', meta: { title: 'backToTop' }},
{ path: 'drag-dialog', component: _import('components-demo/dragDialog'), name: 'dragDialog-demo', meta: { title: 'dragDialog' }},
{ path: 'dnd-list', component: _import('components-demo/dndList'), name: 'dndList-demo', meta: { title: 'dndList' }},
{ path: 'drag-kanban', component: _import('components-demo/dragKanban'), name: 'dragKanban-demo', meta: { title: 'dragKanban' }}
......@@ -157,49 +157,48 @@ export const asyncRouterMap = [
path: '/example',
path: '/tab',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/example/table/complex-table',
name: 'example',
children: [{
path: 'index',
component: _import('tab/index'),
name: 'tab',
meta: { title: 'tab', icon: 'tab' }
path: '/table',
component: Layout,
redirect: '/table/complex-table',
name: 'table',
meta: {
title: 'example',
icon: 'example'
title: 'Table',
icon: 'table'
children: [
path: '/example/table',
component: _import('example/table/index'),
redirect: '/example/table/complex-table',
name: 'Table',
meta: {
title: 'Table',
icon: 'table'
children: [
{ path: 'dynamic-table', component: _import('example/table/dynamicTable/index'), name: 'dynamicTable', meta: { title: 'dynamicTable' }},
{ path: 'drag-table', component: _import('example/table/dragTable'), name: 'dragTable', meta: { title: 'dragTable' }},
{ path: 'inline-edit-table', component: _import('example/table/inlineEditTable'), name: 'inlineEditTable', meta: { title: 'inlineEditTable' }},
{ path: 'tree-table', component: _import('example/table/treeTable/treeTable'), name: 'treeTableDemo', meta: { title: 'treeTable' }},
{ path: 'custom-tree-table', component: _import('example/table/treeTable/customTreeTable'), name: 'customTreeTableDemo', meta: { title: 'customTreeTable' }},
{ path: 'complex-table', component: _import('example/table/complexTable'), name: 'complexTable', meta: { title: 'complexTable' }}
{ path: 'tab/index', icon: 'tab', component: _import('example/tab/index'), name: 'tab', meta: { title: 'tab' }}
{ path: 'dynamic-table', component: _import('table/dynamicTable/index'), name: 'dynamicTable', meta: { title: 'dynamicTable' }},
{ path: 'drag-table', component: _import('table/dragTable'), name: 'dragTable', meta: { title: 'dragTable' }},
{ path: 'inline-edit-table', component: _import('table/inlineEditTable'), name: 'inlineEditTable', meta: { title: 'inlineEditTable' }},
{ path: 'tree-table', component: _import('table/treeTable/treeTable'), name: 'treeTableDemo', meta: { title: 'treeTable' }},
{ path: 'custom-tree-table', component: _import('table/treeTable/customTreeTable'), name: 'customTreeTableDemo', meta: { title: 'customTreeTable' }},
{ path: 'complex-table', component: _import('table/complexTable'), name: 'complexTable', meta: { title: 'complexTable' }}
path: '/form',
path: '/example',
component: Layout,
redirect: 'noredirect',
name: 'form',
redirect: '/example/list',
name: 'example',
meta: {
title: 'form',
icon: 'form'
title: 'example',
icon: 'example'
children: [
{ path: 'create-form', component: _import('form/create'), name: 'createForm', meta: { title: 'createForm', icon: 'table' }},
{ path: 'edit-form', component: _import('form/edit'), name: 'editForm', meta: { title: 'editForm', icon: 'table' }}
{ path: 'create', component: _import('example/create'), name: 'createArticle', meta: { title: 'createArticle', icon: 'edit' }},
{ path: 'edit/:id(\\d+)', component: _import('example/edit'), name: 'editArticle', meta: { title: 'editArticle', noCache: true }, hidden: true },
{ path: 'list', component: _import('example/list'), name: 'articleList', meta: { title: 'articleList', icon: 'list' }}
......@@ -261,3 +261,7 @@ export function deepClone(source) {
return targetObj
export function uniqueArr(arr) {
return Array.from(new Set(arr))
......@@ -3,100 +3,51 @@
<el-form class="form-container" :model="postForm" :rules="rules" ref="postForm">
<sticky :className="'sub-navbar '+postForm.status">
<template v-if="fetchSuccess">
<router-link style="margin-right:15px;" v-show='isEdit' :to="{ path:'create-form'}">
<el-button type="info">创建form</el-button>
<el-dropdown trigger="click">
<el-button plain>{{!postForm.comment_disabled?'评论已打开':'评论已关闭'}}
<i class="el-icon-caret-bottom el-icon--right"></i>
<el-dropdown-menu class="no-padding" slot="dropdown">
<el-radio-group style="padding: 10px;" v-model="postForm.comment_disabled">
<el-radio :label="true">关闭评论</el-radio>
<el-radio :label="false">打开评论</el-radio>
<el-dropdown trigger="click">
<el-button plain>平台
<i class="el-icon-caret-bottom el-icon--right"></i>
<el-dropdown-menu class="no-border" slot="dropdown">
<el-checkbox-group v-model="postForm.platforms" style="padding: 5px 15px;">
<el-checkbox v-for="item in platformsOptions" :label="item.key" :key="item.key">
<el-dropdown trigger="click">
<el-button plain>
<i class="el-icon-caret-bottom el-icon--right"></i>
<el-dropdown-menu class="no-padding no-border" style="width:300px" slot="dropdown">
<el-form-item label-width="0px" style="margin-bottom: 0px" prop="source_uri">
<el-input placeholder="请输入内容" v-model="postForm.source_uri">
<template slot="prepend">填写url</template>
<el-button v-loading="loading" style="margin-left: 10px;" type="success" @click="submitForm()">发布
<el-button v-loading="loading" type="warning" @click="draftForm">草稿</el-button>
<template v-else>
<CommentDropdown v-model="postForm.comment_disabled" />
<PlatformDropdown v-model="postForm.platforms" />
<SourceUrlDropdown v-model="postForm.source_uri" />
<el-button v-loading="loading" style="margin-left: 10px;" type="success" @click="submitForm">发布
<el-button v-loading="loading" type="warning" @click="draftForm">草稿</el-button>
<div class="createPost-main-container">
<Warning />
<el-col :span="21">
<el-form-item style="margin-bottom: 40px;" prop="title">
<MDinput name="name" v-model="postForm.title" required :maxlength="100">
<span v-show="postForm.title.length>=26" class='title-prompt'>app可能会显示不全</span>
<div class="postInfo-container">
<el-col :span="8">
<el-form-item label-width="45px" label="作者:" class="postInfo-container-item">
<multiselect v-model="" :options="userLIstOptions" @search-change="getRemoteUserList" placeholder="搜索用户" selectLabel="选择"
deselectLabel="删除" track-by="key" :internalSearch="false" label="key">
<span slot='noResult'>无结果</span>
<el-select v-model="" filterable remote placeholder="搜索用户" :remote-method="getRemoteUserList">
<el-option v-for="(item,index) in userListOptions" :key="item+index" :label="item" :value="item">
<el-col :span="8">
<el-tooltip class="item" effect="dark" content="将替换作者" placement="top">
<el-form-item label-width="50px" label="来源:" class="postInfo-container-item">
<el-input placeholder="将替换作者" style='min-width:150px;' v-model="postForm.source_name">
<el-col :span="8">
<el-form-item label-width="80px" label="发布时间:" class="postInfo-container-item">
<el-date-picker v-model="postForm.display_time" type="datetime" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" placeholder="选择日期时间">
<el-col :span="8">
<el-form-item label-width="60px" label="重要性:" class="postInfo-container-item">
<el-rate style="margin-top:8px;" v-model="postForm.importance" :max='3' :colors="['#99A9BF', '#F7BA2A', '#FF9900']" :low-threshold="1"
......@@ -109,11 +60,11 @@
<div class="editor-container">
<tinymce :height=400 ref="editor" v-model="postForm.content"></tinymce>
<Tinymce :height=400 ref="editor" v-model="postForm.content" />
<div style="margin-bottom: 20px;">
<Upload v-model="postForm.image_uri"></Upload>
<Upload v-model="postForm.image_uri" />
......@@ -131,6 +82,8 @@ import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' // 粘性header组件
import { validateURL } from '@/utils/validate'
import { fetchArticle } from '@/api/article'
import { userSearch } from '@/api/remoteSearch'
import Warning from './Warning'
import { CommentDropdown, PlatformDropdown, SourceUrlDropdown } from './Dropdown'
const defaultForm = {
status: 'draft',
......@@ -139,16 +92,16 @@ const defaultForm = {
content_short: '', // 文章摘要
source_uri: '', // 文章外链
image_uri: '', // 文章图片
source_name: '', // 文章外部作者
display_time: undefined, // 前台展示时间
id: undefined,
platforms: ['a-platform'],
comment_disabled: false
comment_disabled: false,
importance: 0
export default {
name: 'articleDetail',
components: { Tinymce, MDinput, Upload, Multiselect, Sticky },
components: { Tinymce, MDinput, Upload, Multiselect, Sticky, Warning, CommentDropdown, PlatformDropdown, SourceUrlDropdown },
props: {
isEdit: {
type: Boolean,
......@@ -184,14 +137,8 @@ export default {
return {
postForm: Object.assign({}, defaultForm),
fetchSuccess: true,
loading: false,
userLIstOptions: [],
platformsOptions: [
{ key: 'a-platform', name: 'a-platform' },
{ key: 'b-platform', name: 'b-platform' },
{ key: 'c-platform', name: 'c-platform' }
userListOptions: [],
rules: {
image_uri: [{ validator: validateRequire }],
title: [{ validator: validateRequire }],
......@@ -207,17 +154,20 @@ export default {
created() {
if (this.isEdit) {
const id = this.$route.params && this.$
} else {
this.postForm = Object.assign({}, defaultForm)
methods: {
fetchData() {
fetchArticle().then(response => {
fetchData(id) {
fetchArticle(id).then(response => {
this.postForm =
// Just for test
this.postForm.title += ` Article Id:${}`
this.postForm.content_short += ` Article Id:${}`
}).catch(err => {
this.fetchSuccess = false
......@@ -260,10 +210,7 @@ export default {
getRemoteUserList(query) {
userSearch(query).then(response => {
if (! return
this.userLIstOptions = => ({
this.userListOptions = =>
......@@ -271,44 +218,36 @@ export default {
<style rel="stylesheet/scss" lang="scss" scoped>
@import "src/styles/mixin.scss";
position: absolute;
right: 0px;
font-size: 12px;
.createPost-container {
position: relative;
.createPost-main-container {
padding: 40px 45px 20px 50px;
.postInfo-container {
position: relative;
@include clearfix;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.postInfo-container-item {
float: left;
@import "src/styles/mixin.scss";
.createPost-container {
position: relative;
.createPost-main-container {
padding: 40px 45px 20px 50px;
.postInfo-container {
position: relative;
@include clearfix;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.postInfo-container-item {
float: left;
.editor-container {
min-height: 500px;
margin: 0 0 30px;
.editor-upload-btn-container {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 10px;
.editor-upload-btn {
display: inline-block;
.editor-container {
min-height: 500px;
margin: 0 0 30px;
.editor-upload-btn-container {
text-align: right;
margin-right: 10px;
.editor-upload-btn {
display: inline-block;
.word-counter {
width: 40px;
position: absolute;
right: -10px;
top: 0px;
.word-counter {
width: 40px;
position: absolute;
right: -10px;
top: 0px;
<el-dropdown trigger="click" :show-timeout="100">
<el-button plain>{{!comment_disabled?'评论已打开':'评论已关闭'}}
<i class="el-icon-caret-bottom el-icon--right"></i>
<el-dropdown-menu class="no-padding" slot="dropdown">
<el-radio-group style="padding: 10px;" v-model="comment_disabled">
<el-radio :label="true">关闭评论</el-radio>
<el-radio :label="false">打开评论</el-radio>
export default {
props: ['value'],
computed: {
comment_disabled: {
get() {
return this.value
set(val) {
this.$emit('input', val)
<el-dropdown :hide-on-click="false" :show-timeout="100" trigger="click">
<el-button plain>
<i class="el-icon-caret-bottom el-icon--right"></i>
<el-dropdown-menu class="no-border" slot="dropdown">
<el-checkbox-group v-model="platforms" style="padding: 5px 15px;">
<el-checkbox v-for="item in platformsOptions" :label="item.key" :key="item.key">
export default {
props: ['value'],
data() {
return {
platformsOptions: [
{ key: 'a-platform', name: 'a-platform' },
{ key: 'b-platform', name: 'b-platform' },
{ key: 'c-platform', name: 'c-platform' }
computed: {
platforms: {
get() {
return this.value
set(val) {
this.$emit('input', val)
<el-dropdown :show-timeout="100" trigger="click">
<el-button plain>
<i class="el-icon-caret-bottom el-icon--right"></i>
<el-dropdown-menu class="no-padding no-border" style="width:400px" slot="dropdown">
<el-form-item label-width="0px" style="margin-bottom: 0px" prop="source_uri">
<el-input placeholder="请输入内容" v-model="source_uri">
<template slot="prepend">填写url</template>
export default {
props: ['value'],
computed: {
source_uri: {
get() {
return this.value
set(val) {
this.$emit('input', val)
export { default as CommentDropdown } from './Comment'
export { default as PlatformDropdown } from './Platform'
export { default as SourceUrlDropdown } from './SourceUrl'
<p class="warn-content">
创建和编辑页面是不能被keep-alive 缓存的,因为keep-alive 的include 目前不支持根据路由来缓存,所以目前都是基于component name 来缓存的,如果你想要实现缓存的效果,可以使用localstorage 等游览器缓存方案。或者不要使用keep-alive
<a href=""
File moved
File moved
<div class="app-container">
<el-table :data="list" v-loading.body="listLoading" border fit highlight-current-row style="width: 100%">
<el-table-column align="center" label="ID" width="80">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-table-column width="180px" align="center" label="Date">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<span>{{scope.row.timestamp | parseTime('{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}')}}</span>
<el-table-column width="120px" align="center" label="Author">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-table-column width="100px" label="Importance">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<svg-icon v-for="n in +scope.row.importance" icon-class="star" class="meta-item__icon" :key="n"></svg-icon>
<el-table-column class-name="status-col" label="Status" width="110">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-tag :type="scope.row.status | statusFilter">{{scope.row.status}}</el-tag>
<el-table-column min-width="300px" label="Title">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<router-link class="link-type" :to="'/example/edit/'">
<span>{{ scope.row.title }}</span>
<el-table-column align="center" label="Actions" width="120">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<router-link :to="'/example/edit/'">
<el-button type="primary" size="small" icon="el-icon-edit">Edit</el-button>
<div class="pagination-container">
<el-pagination background @size-change="handleSizeChange" @current-change="handleCurrentChange" :current-page=""
:page-sizes="[10,20,30, 50]" :page-size="listQuery.limit" layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="total">
import { fetchList } from '@/api/article'
export default {
name: 'articleList',
data() {
return {
list: null,
total: 0,
listLoading: true,
listQuery: {
page: 1,
limit: 10
filters: {
statusFilter(status) {
const statusMap = {
published: 'success',
draft: 'info',
deleted: 'danger'
return statusMap[status]
created() {
methods: {
getList() {
this.listLoading = true
fetchList(this.listQuery).then(response => {
this.list = =
this.listLoading = false
handleSizeChange(val) {
this.listQuery.limit = val
handleCurrentChange(val) { = val
<style scoped>
.edit-input {
padding-right: 100px;
.cancel-btn {
position: absolute;
right: 15px;
top: 10px;
<transition name="fade" mode="out-in">
<keep-alive :include='cachedViews'>
export default {
name: 'TableMain',
computed: {
cachedViews() {
return this.$store.state.tagsView.cachedViews
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<section class="app-main" style="min-height: 100%">
<transition name="fade-transform" mode="out-in">
<keep-alive :include="cachedViews">
<router-view :key="key"></router-view>
......@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ export default {
computed: {
cachedViews() {
return this.$store.state.tagsView.cachedViews
key() {
return this.$route.fullPath
// key() {
// return this.$ !== undefined ? this.$ + +new Date() : this.$route + +new Date()
// }
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