so actually: that user has been blocked and then deactivated. In the FollowRequestController, follower is the remote user, followed is the local one (feld). Down the road, User.follow/2 assumes that the follower is the actual user requesting action: this ends up not hitting the deactivated clause in User.follow/2, because it checks only followed, and returns the error when you have been blocked by the followed user, because feld blocked it.
Now thinking on the best way to fix this :) But at least we should also do some cleanup when an user is blocked/deactivated, such as removing/denying theses requests, which have now not a chance of being used anyway.
We don't seem do anything with duplicate requests either except make sure we only show one and apply the response to all outstanding, so perhaps just filtering them out is good enough?
@href unless you think it's really worth adding some kind of user-deactivation-trigger to do a bunch of work like denying follow requests, we can probably leave this closed.